Resurrection/She Is Mine

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Alex's P.O.V.

I could not move, or breathe, or utter a sound, nothing but cold, dark emptiness surrounding me. I wasn't certain where I was, or why I felt so sad, but I knew I could not stay there.. Someone- A special person needed me, I knew that for certain. They would surely be upset if I stayed where I was, and for some reason, that made my heart ache unbearably, and I began struggling to escape the numbing cold within my bones. I slowly felt warm material draped over my naked skin, helping my shivering body to heat up slightly, though not much, and began feeling a white hot, never ceasing agony through my chest, hot tears sliding down my face silently, as I began choking on a delicious liquid in my throat.

The warm liquid spilled out over my lips, and I could feel it drip down onto my chest, nearly burning me due to the icy nature of my body at the moment, and I felt confused, disoriented, and worried, unable to open my eyes still, not knowing where I was, what had happened to me, or why I was in agony. I heard a faint voice that sounded familiar to me as if from far away saying something, and then another voice replied sadly, that voice causing my heart to soar. Alcina- That was who the voice belonged to. The woman I loved was somewhere close by, and as I began remembering things, I wondered if she was alright, recalling how she had been shot.

I slowly began to hear the voices more clearly, realizing the other voice belonged to Donna, and forced my eyes open, still far too weak to move, my energy completely drained. "Dear sister, I know that you mean well, truly, but I do not wish to be disturbed for a little while. I wish to be alone with her.. Just for awhile longer." Donna sighed quietly, and whispered, "Alci, you're going to make yourself ill like this. It has been three days, and I fear that the longer you wait, the worse the smell will become.. She deserves a proper burial." I could picture Donna flinching, as Alcina shouted, "NO!" Alcina sighed, and continued more quietly, "I cannot be away from her. It hurts far too much to even consider such a thing.."

I continued choking on the liquid in my throat, and ended up coughing severely hard, dead silence ensuing afterwards. I then heard heavy footsteps hurry over to wherever I was laying, and a sharp gasp reached my ears, as golden eyes peered down at my eyes with shock and awe. "Darling, can you hear me? Alex?" I managed to cough up enough of the delicious liquid to clear my throat, and whispered weakly, "Alex? You have never called me that before.. I like hearing you say it, my love." I heard her choked sobs, then let out a shriek of agony, as warm arms crushed me against a large chest, Alcina's tears dripping onto my face from above me. "Baby, it hurts!"

Instantly, I was set back down on what I realized was her bed gently, and I closed my eyes, too weak to keep them open for long, and soon felt fragile, slender fingers, much too small to be Alcina's, touching my chest gently, faint pain stinging through the left side every few minutes. After a moment, a damp cloth was stroking the sweet liquid from off my chest and face, and I heard Donna quietly say, "I don't understand how she's alive, but her wound is stitched and cleaned. Make sure she doesn't move about too much, or she'll reopen the wound. I- I am truly happy that she is alive. The others will be as well, when they find out. I shall take my leave now, and let you be with her."

The door opened and closed quietly, signaling Donna's departure, and I felt the bed sink a little, as Alcina's warm arms gently pulled me closer, her lips ghosting across my forehead. "Are you sleeping, my love?" I weakly managed to shake my head, and whispered, "No.. Just resting my eyes. I am exhausted, and sore, and confused. What happened to me? I remember you being shot, and then, a sharp pain. The next thing I knew, I awoke to darkness, then fought my way out of the darkness, awakening here." She let out a soft breath that brushed across my face, and quietly replied, "So you do not remember.. After I was shot, you slaughtered every man inside of this castle, save for one, and he-" She went silent for a few moments, then softly pressed her lips against mine, and I could feel her body shaking.

I opened my eyes again, frowning, as I saw tears sliding down her face, ruining her makeup, her hair a complete mess, her dress stained with dirt and blood, pure agony in her eyes. "I thought he had taken you away from me. That horrid man stabbed you through the heart, love. You were dead.. I know you were. And yet, somehow, you have come back to me. I don't know how it is possible, but yet, here you are in my arms. I am so happy that I haven't lost you." She buried her face in my neck, and I grimaced as I moved, managing to wrap my arms around her, pain shooting through my body. "You won't ever lose me, baby. I'm so sorry that you witnessed that.. I have no idea of how I am still alive, either, but I am grateful that I'm here with you."

We laid there for a little while, and she had nearly put me to sleep as I snuggled against her, humming lullabies, as she placed gentle kisses all over my skin, whispering sweet things in my ear. "You must rest now, darling. You need to sleep and to heal, and I will stay right here by your side." I felt her body tense up, as a loud knock sounded on the door, and she loudly said, "Enter." I felt her body grow even more tense as someone entered the room, and a low growl rumbled through her chest, but I was too exhausted to open my eyes again, and half asleep, so I wasn't sure exactly who was causing such a reaction from her, until I heard the smooth, cold, silky voice of Mother Miranda.

"Well, well, Alcina, it would seem that the rumors are indeed true. It's no wonder that you were so willing to accept your punishment for not killing her. You think she truly loves you, do you? What will she think when she finds out the truth about her parents? Hmm? I think she will run as far away from you as she possibly can.." Alcina's voice shook, filled with rage, as she muttered, "It was Moreau who told you of Alex and I's relationship, wasn't it? That swamp creature will get what's coming to him! I trusted him, and protected him, and this is the thanks I receive!"

Miranda's soft, eerie laugh sent chills through me, and I heard Alcina gasp, as cold, sharp claws dug into my cheek, hot blood instantly dripping down my chin. "She is a beautiful one, I will not deny, but she is special, Alcina. She is the key. Rosemary Winters was stolen back by her disgusting father, but Alexandria's blood is by far the purest. She will restore my Eva to me, and if you agree to hand her over to me now, I may spare her life. Refuse me, and both of you shall pay dearly, daughter. You know how I feel about disloyalty.." I had never heard the icy fury lacing Alcina's tone before, not even the times I had angered her, nor when she was upset with her daughters, as she told Miranda, "You shall not harm one hair upon her head. Do what you wish to me, but she will not become one of your horrid experiments! She is mine! I lost her once, and I will not lose her again.."

          Miranda fell silent, then told Alcina, "You truly have no knowledge of what she is, do you? How do you explain how death took her, and yet, she still lives and breathes peacefully in your arms? She already is one of my little experiments, Alcina, and has been since her transformation. She is infected with the cadou, as you are.. You mutated her with your own blood. Why do you suppose I was so willing to allow you to save her life? I knew how special her blood was, but I already had Rose, and now, she is all I have left. I will have her, that is for certain. And you will regret denying me what is mine, Alcina.."

        I heard the faint fluttering of wings, and then, felt Alcina relax, her breaths hard and fast, her hand softly touching the area Miranda had clawed on my cheek. "You are a bit strange, it is true. You heal more quickly than my siblings, though not as quickly as I do. And she was right- I have no explanation for your resurrection, my love. But that matters not.. You are mine, and I shall protect my property at all costs. That, I promise you.." With that, I felt myself slip further into sleep, confusion gnawing at my mind. What had Miranda meant about my parents? How was I special? Miranda wanted to use me to bring her daughter back? All these thoughts soon faded to peace, however, as Alcina's sweet voice filled the air once again with lullabies, making me fall completely into unconsciousness..

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