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When I awoke again, it was because I was screaming and crying, lost in a terrified memory of my past, reliving it as vividly as the day it had happened, and for a moment, I didn't know where I was, or why I felt so ill. I was also confused as to why I was sweating to death, wrapped up in blankets near the fire, then remembered the dark and cold basement, shuddering at the thought of that rotting meat scent of the creatures down there. I carefully unwrapped myself, and quickly sat up, instantly regretting it, as sharp pain slashed across my chest, causing my hand to instantly shoot to the pained area, finding it bandaged neatly. I coughed hard, still not feeling very well, and nearly leapt out of my skin, as Alcina's voice quietly said, "You shouldn't move about so much, dear one. You are still very weak, and will likely be in pain for awhile longer." I hadn't noticed her sitting elegantly in a chair near the fire, sipping a glass of her blood and wine mixture, her golden eyes watching me warily, as if expecting me to do something.

          I realized she must be thinking I would snap at her again, and instantly felt shame flood my body, looking down. "I- I am truly sorry for the awful things that I said to you. I was out of line, and cruel, and I shouldn't have said them at all. I never even gave you the chance to explain, and never took the time to tell you how glad I am to see you again.." My voice broke at that, likely alerting her to my state of distress, but I wasn't worried about her knowing how sad I was. I merely wanted her to know how much I had missed her all that time. She sighed, and I flinched, hearing her set her glass down rather hard, before she replied, "Yes, you were indeed out of line, and crueler than you needed to be.. But I understand why you said them. I just can't imagine what possessed you to run to the basement, of all places! Do you have any idea how long my daughters and I searched for you?! That basement is filled with vile things, and I warned you about them, yet you still chose there to hide away.. Of all the foolish things! You nearly froze to death, Alexandria! We almost lost you! I almost lost you.."

          With every word she shouted angrily, I flinched, feeling tears burn my eyes, but knew it was only fair that she shout at me, after the things I had said and done. I tried to hide my tears, but she must have seen them, instantly swearing at herself under her breath, before I heard the loud creak of the chair as she stood up, and then, the heavy footsteps as she walked over to me. I wasn't prepared for her to scoop me up off the sofa like a newborn baby, and pull me into her arms, sitting down with me. She held me close, but was gentle, as if I were a fragile shard of glass, which, given all the fear and excitement I had dealt with, was mostly what I was. "Dry your tears, my little Snow Angel.. I shouldn't be angry with you. You wouldn't have run off, had I only tried to come explain myself sooner." I felt my face heat up at the nickname, and glanced up at her in surprise, never once having heard her say anything like it before, and wondered why my heart felt so strange at being called it.

            She went silent for a moment, then told me, "Mother Miranda instructed me to keep this hidden from you, as she did with the others, but I assume you will likely find out soon enough, clever as you are. There is a child hidden within these walls.. A mortal baby girl, only a few months old, or so I was informed. We were all tasked with taking care of and preparing that child for a ceremony, but it is still days away from being completed. Oh, how I have missed you.." She gently grabbed my jaw, and made me look at her, something unknown stirring within her eyes. "You bring me and my daughters such joy, and until you arrived on my doorstep, I had never seen Donna happy, or Moreau smile, nor had Heisenberg been so well behaved with his filthy jokes. They were much worse before we had you.." I saw something dark and sad in her gaze for a moment, as if there was something she was hiding, that she both hated and could not tell me, and I dared not ask, knowing it would likely upset her further.

         I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes, feeling more tears slide down my face, and her gloved thumb gently brushed them away, the motion so gentle and sweet that it made what I was about to say a little less painful. "What is it? Have I said something wrong?" I shook my head, and opened my eyes again, swallowing hard. "You were truthful with me, so it is only fair if I repay the favor, is it not? Those men- The men I slaughtered outside.. They were filthy excuses for human beings, though I suppose that does not excuse what I did. I knew them, you see, from when I went back to the village-" I nearly stopped then, my body shaking from the memories, but continued, "-And they were the ones who beat me into nothing more than a bloody mess. And while they beat me, they- They took turns doing vile and unspeakable things to me. They are the reason I hate all human men." I began getting worried that I had disgusted or upset Alcina, as she stayed silent, but when I looked up, my breath caught in my throat, feeling a bit terrified of her. Her expression was one of pure fury, her eyes holding a red glint to them that I had never seen before, her body seeming to shake with rage.

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