Predator and Prey/Playing Dead/Run

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I struggled to get up, but I couldn't, finding myself far too weak, blood pulsing from the wounds in my chest with every beat of my heart. Alcina laughed cruelly, and told me, "You shouldn't try to move too much, Alexandria. You may heal as quickly as the rest of us, but those injuries are deep and painful." I once again felt my heart twist with pain at her words, and instantly went limp, knowing she was right. "I don't understand this mess at all- I thought we were going to be a family again, but instead, the mortal man and I are being hunted by all of you. And why? Merely because you were told to? You truly are a good little guard dog, Alcina, biting and growling at any who dare to upset your master. I should have known you were a liar.. You have feelings for me? I can't believe I fell for such lies. I am a fool, and I now know it. I will never believe another word you say again. I learn from my mistakes, and trusting you? That was my biggest mistake of all."

She had gone silent for some reason, and I coughed up more blood, but was slowly regaining my strength, managing to finally push myself up with my hands, leaning back against the edge of a chair, grimacing as my wounds burned with agony. "Are you proud of yourself, I wonder? Taking in an abandoned child, saving her life, making her think she was loved, only to eventually plan on killing and eating her.. If I had known it would come to this, I would have allowed the Lycans to eat me, or taken my life before you ever even thought of doing so. Maybe I wouldn't have been such a disappointment to you, or turned into a traitor. I suppose killing men who do vile things to me counts as betrayal, and not as vengeance for the pain they caused, but not once did I ever want to betray any of you. Not that it matters now.. Now, I am merely the prey, and you, the predator."

I frowned in annoyance, as her daughters suddenly burst into the room, dragging none other than Ethan Winters into the room, and I saw his eyes widen at the sight of my dirty, bruised, and bloodied body. "You don't need to worry about me, mortal. I am healing, though a bit slowly." My breath seemed to catch in my throat, as I smelled something delicious, my mouth instantly dry with thirst, my stomach aching with hunger, and I covered my nose and mouth with one hand, trying not to breathe in the sweet scent of his human blood. Alcina smiled, and said, "Well, well, Ethan Winters. So you escaped my idiot brother's foolish games, did you? This is a wonder. Both mortal and betrayer caught in my very home- Fortune has smiled upon us, my daughters, for Mother Miranda is sure to be pleased with our success."

While they started bickering over whether or not they should eat Ethan, I began slowly trying to sneak away, towards my weapons, where they lay discarded in a corner. I knew I likely wouldn't have the heart to kill them, the mere idea causing agony within my soul, but perhaps I could wound them just long enough to run. I caught Ethan watching me, and knew from the glint in his eye that he was plotting something, and sure enough, he said, "Instead of fucking eating me, maybe you should pay more attention to your other prisoner." That caught their attention, and while Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra strung Ethan up from the ceiling by chains linked to hooks through his palms, Alcina yanked me back by my hair, and sent me sliding painfully hard against the wall, my spine cracking from the force. "You dare try and escape us, Alexandria?! You horrid child! You wish us to be murdered for allowing you to escape, do you??"

It was getting hard to breathe, as her gloved hand wrapped around my throat, choking off my air, and I glared at Ethan, using what breath I had left to swear at him in my native Romanian, which I had chosen to abandon for English after my transformation, but had never forgotten. "I hope they tear you apart slowly, you awful man! I hope they peel the skin clean from your bones, and keep you alive so you feel every agonized moment! Had I escaped, I might have found a tiny sliver of pity in my heart for you and returned to save you, but now, we're both doomed to our fate! If you somehow manage to survive this, and I do as well, I will hunt you down and end your pathetic life myself! All men are alike! You were planning on using me as a distraction, then running away and abandoning me! WHY DOES EVERYONE ABANDON ME?!" I coughed weakly, everything starting to go cold and blurry, my neck making a faint snapping sound, though from how I was still slightly conscious, I knew it was either just the bones cracking, or it was broken, though not completely.

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