Four Lords/Return to the Village/Disaster

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     The years had passed by rather quickly, and I had accepted what my new family was. I learned to ignore the screams of agony from downstairs, to not notice the blood stains lying on the floor, and to accept that some people would be welcomed into our castle, only to never be seen again. And it didn't matter to me much, for I knew they could not help what they were, and had to feed on human flesh and blood to survive, and I had grown protective of them, and would be devastated if they had starved to death, and so, I acknowledged their inhuman nature as part of them, though it didn't mean that was all they were. They were also a family, and though Alcina shouted at her daughters and grew impatient with both them and I easily, she cared for us greatly, and protected us with all her strength.

        I had been welcomed into their home quite quickly, with Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra becoming the best of friends with me. We would take turns chasing one another around the shadowy parts and secret passageways of the castles, and Cassandra loved to jump from the darkness and scare us all, and I had grown fond of hearing her laughter echo through the hallways. Alcina did her very best to include me in many things, and seemed to enjoy having a pet around, allowing me to help her decide which of her hats went best with her dresses, and telling me stories of times past, when she once was a human like me. Sometimes, I would go outside and play in the snow, and would catch her watching me with a faint smile through the window, quickly disappearing when she caught me looking at her. She had introduced me to the members of the other three houses soon after taking me in, as well as Mother Miranda, and though the other Lords seemed to find me as fascinating as Alcina did, Mother Miranda gazed at me with disinterest, something like hatred flickering in her gaze. No matter how she seemed to despise me, I thought her beautiful, her wings and fine features reminding me of perhaps an angel who had fallen to Earth.

        Of the other three Lords, Donna was my favorite, though she didn't speak hardly at all, and I had only seen her face a few times over the years. She liked to show me her collection of dolls, and her favorite, Angie, was a living and breathing being, who excelled in the art of swearing, as well as practically shouting when she talked, her voice shrill and a bit grating. Donna had had to punish her quite a few times for telling me the dirtiest of jokes, and yet, that only seemed to make her want to tell me even more jokes, which I found quite hilarious. I had once wanted to give Donna something special, for being my friend on the lonely nights when Alcina attended meetings, and her daughters were guarding the castle, and so, not knowing how to make one very well, had taken a sharp knife, and proceeded to make a rather messy new doll for her out of wood and paint, not minding as I sliced my fingers quite a few times. I felt ashamed of my horrible work when I handed the doll to her, but from what I could tell by the way she held it close to her heart, she adored it, and had even whispered, "Thank you."

         Moreau was one strange man I hardly ever saw, considering he lived in the swamps, but when I did see him upon occasion, we would sort of stare at one another for awhile, until we both burst into laughter, and he would offer me a shy smile. He was supposedly half fish, and had thought I was afraid of him upon our first meeting, but I had told him I found him very interesting, and proceeded to question him about what life must be like under the water. This caused him to instantly become fond of me, and he found me as strange and interesting as I did him, sometimes giving slimy fish to Alcina at meetings to bring home to me as gifts, which she seemed to find disgusting, but made me happy. After all, underneath the slime and scales, he was a kind and gentle soul, and did his best to avoid confrontation and drama at all costs.

          Karl Heisenberg was completely different from all of his siblings, in that he didn't act serious hardly at all. He would tell the most vile jokes, far worse than Angie's, swear with every other word, play annoying pranks on everyone, mostly Alcina, and was, as I later found out, the leader of the Lycans who had almost killed me, and who slaughtered the villagers every night. This caused me to dislike him a great deal, considering the sibling rivalry between him and Alcina, some of the cruel things he said to her clearly hurting her, and the way he would always smirk at me, like he knew some secret that I didn't, which caused me to shudder in fear.

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