Death and Blood/Mourning

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Alcina's P.O.V.

I wasn't quite certain what had happened, but my siblings seemed to all stare at something in pure horror in front of them, as I climbed to my feet, dusting my dress off, my injured shoulder already healing rapidly. I frowned, even more confused at the sounds of horrified mortal screams around us, seeing as how none of the others moved an inch from their positions, then felt my blood run cold, as I saw what they found so interesting. My Snow Angel- My precious Alexandria was tearing the army of mortals to pieces with her bare hands, her bloodied weapons strewn in various locations around the room, her pale skin now the color of crimson, her fangs bared in a snarl of rage, and her eyes glued to the men around her with a furious gaze.

I had only seen her like that once before, when she had wreaked vengeance upon the horrid men who had violated her, as they trespassed upon the castle grounds, but not even then had I seen her so furious, the creature before me no longer the woman I loved, but some sort of primal beast, her only conscious thought to kill those around her. I wasn't sure what I should do, the men falling one by one beneath her hands within moments, and it wasn't until she had ripped apart the last mortal in front of her, that I noticed the strange man behind her, holding her sword in his bloodstained hands.

What happened next seemed to occur in slow motion, as if time itself was shocked at such a turn of events, my heart wrenching with agony, as the man thrusted the blade through my lover's chest, twisting it as it slid cleanly through her skin, and I will never forget the shriek of pure agony that escaped her lips, followed by a tide of crimson red, a choking noise soon following that, and it was then that I realized, he must have driven the blade through her heart. Her body seemed to fall limp instantly, and I felt an unspeakable agony shoot through my very soul, the man ripping the blade from her skin, putting his filthy boots on her back as he did so, as if Alexandria were nothing but a filthy animal to be put down.

A growl of rage left my lips, as I started forward, my body shaking with despair and fury, but to my distress, my siblings pulled me back, tears in their own eyes. Donna whispered, "Alci, you cannot help her now." With those words, my rage died out, my body going limp in their arms, the world around me dimming, as if I would never know light or joy again, and surely, that was the case, my heart breaking into pieces, as I watched the filthy man drag Alexandria to the statue room, tossing her body into the tub of blood, his eyes locking on me for an instant, and I was shocked to see regret and sadness in them.

Before I could comprehend what I had seen, the man quickly raced off, and that was when the hot, burning tears began cascading down my face, my legs seeming to give out, my knees hitting the cool tile of the floor, and I didn't even bother to pick up my hat, as it fluttered from my head to the floor, my body shaking with heart wrenching sobs, as my eyes locked on the woman I loved, her body floating in the pool of blood like a morbid decoration of some sort, her limbs still. "We must get her out of there.. She does not belong there." My words came out as a choked whisper, and I wanted so badly to get up and retrieve her myself, but my legs were far too weak to do so.

I felt a small bit of shock jolt through me, as Heisenberg silently made his way to the pool of blood, grabbing Alexandria's body carefully, holding her in his arms, not saying a word for once, until he reached me. "Here.. She belongs with you." He gently deposited her into my arms, and that was when I felt my heart break completely, my shaking hands stroking her cold face. I pulled off my gloves, and used them to gently clean the blood off her skin the best I could, knowing she wouldn't have enjoyed being covered in such things. I began getting frantic, as the blood refused to come off, and I held her close to my chest, my tears falling onto her skin, a cry of pure sadness wrenching itself from me, as I buried my face in her neck.

I had never felt pain like I did then, not since I had lost my daughters so long ago, but they had been returned to me, and Alexandria would not. I would never again hear her laughter, or see her smile, or kiss her soft lips, and that made the agony inside of me unbearable, leaving me not knowing what to do. She needed a decent burial, but I could not stand the idea of letting her go, to be buried beneath the earth, forever stolen away where I could not see her, so I numbly forced myself to stand, and shakily carried her upstairs to my room, despite the protests and questions of my siblings, their voices seeming to come from far away.

           I gently set her body down on my bed, and undressed her carefully, dampening a washcloth with warm water in the bathroom, then very softly wiped all the blood from her skin, tears silently slipping down my face as I found the woman I loved so dearly beneath the carnage. Once she was fully cleaned, I bandaged the wound in her chest, though I knew it would do no good, for she was already gone, and put fresh clothes on her, hesitating, before changing clothes myself, pulling on a nightgown, letting my hair down, the strands falling freely down my back. I grabbed her cold hand, lacing our fingers together, and closes my eyes, shaking badly, allowing the pain to consume me, as I began talking to her.

         "This is my fault, my love. Had I been better prepared to be injured by the mortals, or paying closer attention to you, perhaps that man thing would never have taken you from me. I don't know what to do without you, dear one.. You truly made me happier than I could have imagined, and my heart aches greatly without you. I only hope you are at peace now, and that you find yourself in a happier place, where the pain of this world cannot touch you. You did not deserve this suffering, or any of the cruelty you endured throughout your life, quite a bit of it caused by my foolish actions.. I love you so much more than you can ever know, and being without you makes me feel like I will never be whole again."

           With that, I went silent, not sure what else I could say, though there were many things I wished I could put into words. I merely looked at her, wondering if where she had gone, I would be welcomed, and the dark thoughts of attempting to follow her to the grave swirled around inside my skull, tempting me greatly. I knew that I could not do such a thing, however, for she would never have wished that, and doing so would cause her to never forgive me, and I did not want to cause her any pain, even in her afterlife. But I wasn't certain I could ever live without her, or at least not the life I had been leading before I met her.

         No, Alexandria Frost had changed my heart, my being, and my very soul, that night she had found my castle so many years earlier, the innocence and suffering I had seen on her face causing me to wish to protect her always. In that, I had failed, and it had cost both she and I dearly, the guilt very nearly drowning me. "I am truly sorry, my Snow Angel. But we shall one day meet again in the next life, and we shall be happy once again..  I swear that to you." With that promise, I felt my eyelids grow heavy, the pain, stress, and sadness weighing me down with exhaustion, my body unable to function properly at that time, and I knew I must be hallucinating as I fell into sleep, as I could swear I felt Alexandria's fingers weakly clench around mine for a few moments, before going still..

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