3. Devil

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3rd person's pov :

"H2 wake up !"

Win growls . It's fifth time Team has woken him up in the middle of the night . It's their wedding night , so Team is sleeping with win , in Win's room . "What is it now , Team ?"

"We are going to the central tomorrow , then how can we join college tomorrow ? College starts at 10 am . Right ? We will miss the time ."

Win rolls on bed "Team , college is not like school . We can enter anytime we want ."

"Really ? At night too ?" Team asks happily .

"Team , look I told you that I stay in H5 (Hostel No 5 ) right ? It's inside the college campus . And that building stands there at night too ."

"Owwhhh ." Team widens his eyes in happiness . He has never seen a college . Even though he has finished his school one and half year ago , yet his uncle didn't admit him in college .

A college seems like dream to Team . Team grins while playing with his wedding ring placed at his ring finger .

"Hiaaaaa ...."

"Sleep Team . And don't call me hiaa again ." Win whines .

Team pouts but closes his eyes .

Win sighs .


(After ten minutes )

"Hubbbyyy "

"What is it now ?"

"Do you have a boyfriend there ?" Team asks .

"No .. I don't ."

"Why ?" Team hoovers over Win .

"Because , I don't like to commit . I had some one night stand and that's all ." Win states tiredly .

" Owwhhhh " Team never knew people can do it that casually . He thought of it as a life life changing event .

Win sighs .

(After five minutes )


"Don't call me hubby. " Win growls .

"Oh .. H2 ?"

Win sits on bed "tell me , come at once .. with all your questions ."

"You have tattoos ? Why I haven't seen it before . How could Dudy see it but not me ."

"I have it at my back . Maybe he saw it in my social media , I had a pic on my insta ." Win replies .

"Insta ?" Team asks .

"Oh no !" Win facepalms himself .

"Can I see ?" Team asks .

"What ? My tattoo ?" Win asks .

Team nods .

Win pulls off his shirt and gives Team his back . Team widen his eyes . "Owwhhhh "

"Anything else ?" Win asks .

Team shakes his head "no .. let's sleep ."

Win sighs .


(After ten minutes )

"Are you asleep ?" Team whispers .

"What now ?"

"can I join your club ? I mean swimming ? I am not good at anything else .."

"of course , you can ." Win replies with closed eyes .

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