8. End the marriage

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3rd person' pov :

Team sighs . He is tired of cleaning eggs from his head . Pharm stroms inside men's washroom . "It you are not telling P'Win about that , then I will ? What fucking shit is this ?"

Team rolls his eyes "Pharm don't bother hia . I am strong enough to handle this . I don't want to look weak in front of him . And also , what's my relationship with Hia , it shouldn't bother them .."

"But it is bothering them and they are torturing you ." Pharm shouts .

"Pharm , believe me when I am telling you it's not new for me ." Team laughes .

"But it's new for us to see our friend get bullied and clearly , we don't want that ." Manao says from their back .

"Manao , it's men's washroom ." Pharm shouts .

"Is there is any handsome men ?" Manao grins .

Team hurriedly drags Manao and Pharm with him ."guys , it's ok . I can handle this ."

"But we can't !" Both Pharmand Manao shouts in union .

Team sighs . How to convince them when he doesn't know why Hia wants to hide their marriage . Hia said that he is not ashamed of him then .... does hia has a secret boyfriend who is not ready to come out ?

Team widen his eyes and looks at Pharm and Manao .

Pharm frowns "What ?"

"Hiaa is cheating on me .. he has a secret boyfriend ." Team facepalms himself .

"WHAT ?" Manao shouts "Oh nooo ! Who is he ?"

Team shakes his head "how would I know it's his secret boyfriend ."

Pharm frowns harder "then let's face him . What he want."

" No ! " Team shakes his head "let's follow him , I want to know who the home wrecker is !"

Manao nods hurriedly "huuuii ! Sounds like a plan . Let's go to swimming club ."


Win looks at his and Team's social media . There is less negetive comments today . He just wishes Team hasn't read it .

"What are you doing ?" Dean sits beside Win .

"Nothing ... just .. scrowlling ." Win says while looking at his phone .

"Worried about your boyfriend ?" Dean asks .

"Huh ? Boyfriend ? Who is boyfriend ?" Win frowns .

"Team ?"

"No no .. he is not my boyfriend ." Win denies .

"Come on, man ! I am not going bully you or Team ." Dean rounds his arm on Win's shoulder .


"See , there is a reason why he is devil's first hunt . But he is not Hia's boyfriend ." Team says to Pharm and Manao . They are hidding behind a seat at galary of swimming club .

"Yes ! He is not . He is my boyfriend ." Pharm blushes .

"What ? Really ?" Team says a little loud .

Everybody in the swimming club looks at the blank seat .

"Who is there is behind ?" Dean shouts .

Win who is very familiar the voice walks towards the seat .

"What are you doing here ? You are banned from the club till tomorrow ." Wina asks coldly .

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