1. Options

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(A/N :

Firstly , I am sorry for my less intaractive behaviour .... It's not like , I think too highly of myself or I don't want to talk ...

It's just I am like this .. I can't open up easily ..  😐😐

Still you read my stories , vote for my stories , comment for me .. you guys are angel 🥺🥺 , thank u once again .

Now , here we go.........


3rd person's pov :

"We are going to get married ." Team sits infront of Win with a big packet of lays .

"Cool ..! To whom ?" Win asks while tiding his clothes .

"To each other ." Team replies casually .

"Cool .... wait what ?" Win shouts .

"We are going....."

"Shut up . I heard it first time . But really what ? Why ? How ? I am just a worker of this house and you are ...."

"Not official but still a slave of this house ." Team cuts Win's words .

"Wait a minute , still I didn't get it why are we geting married to each other ?" Win frowns . .

"Because you are gay ."

"So what ?".

Team sighs "let me complete first , Hia .. we are getting married because you are gay , and my dear cousin Dudy wants to marry you ."

Win raises his one eyebrow .

"And my dear uncle doesn't want that , oviously . He wants his loving son will be straight as a line . So , to divert Dudy's attention from you , he wants you to get married . "

Win frowns but still let Team continue .

"And as he thinks of me as good for nothing , waste of money , waste of space and all that .. he believes , if we get married , he will get rid of me . Thus .. two birds in one stone ." Team smiles .

Win frowns harder "and you agreed to that ? You are ok with it ?"

"Anything , that can get me out of here ..I am tired of washing dishes and clothes. " Team grins "also , he bribed me a little for this . He is gonna bear my university expenses , if I marry you ."

Win opens his mouth to say something but closes it soon . Then again he looks at Team "you want to use me for your freedom ?"

"No freedom , HH . I will be fully under your order . I am gonna cling to you like a leech . Your home , your food , your books , your clothes ... oh my god .. everything will be mine ? " Team asks happily .

"No way .. what makes you think that I will agree to this marriage ?"

"Oh come on HH , please ... I am tired of wearing Dudy's old clothes .. you don't need to buy me new one , just give me yours ." Team pouts .

"I am not going to marry you ." Win frowns .

"HH , we all know my uncle has his own way to deal with everything ."

"No ...never .. and what's this HH ?"

Team grins happily "Hubby Hia .."

Win growls "shut up ."

Team laughes happily .


"I am really sorry sir . Even though I work for your accounts and my father is manager of your company , still you can't force me to marry anyone ." Win states firmly to Team's uncle and his boss .

"Win, my boy .. you are only of twenty three still , I let you handle my accounts because I knew you can do it . Just like that , when I proposed the marriage proposal , I knew you can do it too . Trust me ... " his boss smiles calmly .

"No , I can't .. I am in my 3rd year of college . I am yet to meet people , discove my world . I can't commit to Team just like that . You can't force me.."

"Win , my boy ... I am not forcing you to marry .. I am just giving you a option either Team or Dudy . If you don't want Team then I am sure , Dudy will force you to marry him . " the boss stops for sometimes

"Now , the choice is yours . But remember , I will not support the second option ."

Win frowns "this is insane .. why don't you control your son instead of forcing me to marry ?"

The boss grins "I am trying , my boy .. I have found this idea to control my son . Now excuse me and ..... let me know which option you choose ."

The boss leaves Win's small room where he was packing his stuff to leave for his college tomorrow .

Win looks at his packed bag and sighs . He came here just for the vaccation . It's not his house but as he is personal secretary of Team's uncle and handles all accounts for him , he has a room inside this big mansion like all other major servants .

And surprisingly , his room is bigger than Team's . Maybe , Team is right .. he is the unofficial servant of this house .

Win sits on his bed . Dudy and Team . What choices he got there . One is a big pig , a bully and super dumb . Other is ....

well , a little bit of psyco , wants to posses his clothes and room , wants to study in college ... always sneaks around kitchen to eat foods .

Win chuckles .

"A little bit of mad , immature , chubby and loves lays ." Win mumbles "and my good friend .. unlike dudy .. and also loved by all other workers including my father .... unlike Dudy ."

"Of couse , Team is thousand times better than Dudy . " he mumbles tiredly .


(Of course 🤭🤭 )

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