14. propose

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( Let me say this ...

Neither Win nor Pharm was mollested in my story . There were some failed attempted to do it ! They tried to do it  Which caused a permanent trauma in Win's mind .

Now , go ahead !!! )


3rd person's pov :

Win opens his eyes slowly only to find Team's grinning face .

"Hiaaa , you slept for one and half hour straight . Are you feeling better now ?"

Win looks around "where are we ?"

" My room . "

" Pharm ? "

"He is completely fine . We were there on time . And now they are at lovenight which started one hour late because no leader was present there . They wanted to stay here for you but I am here , soo ... I made them leave . Are you feeling better now ?" Team asks again .

Win slowly sits on the bed and nods .

Team blinks suddenly " hiaaa .... I have many things to say ."

" I am sorry . I ... this everything happened because of me . I forced Pharm to talk with P'Dean . I ... locked you in your room and made you away from P'Dean ... and ...."

Team stops as Win holds his hand suddenly .

"It's not ,your fault . It's mine . I thought , I need to protect you . But I knew I am not strong enough for that . I am not Dean . I can't fight with them . So , I choose to hide . I choose to force my fear on you ." Win sighs .

"But you are strong enough to fight them . I saw P'Fish's broken head before sleeping ." Win chuckles .

" Don't call him P' ... " Team huffs .

....Winn Winniee .....

"Argghh again !" Team huffs again .

"Who ?" Win frowns .

"Molly or whatever her name is . I told her , you are sleeping . She said I gave you sleeping pills ." Team pouts .

Win chuckles "tell her , I am not going to any lovenight ."

"She is not goona trust me ."

"Then let her in , I will tell her . I am not in mood to go there ." Win replies .

"Whyyyyy ? It's only started one hour ago . Come on ! It's 9 am . We can go for atleast two or three hour . Also P'Dean and Pharm is waiting for us . P'Dean said , he is going propose Pharm ." Team pleads .

"WHAT ?" Win shouts .

"Hiaaaaa , don't panic . Those fishes already knows Pharm is P'Dean's boyfriend . Then whom to fear ? And why to fear ? One day they have to face the world anyway . They will be fine together ." Team smiles proudly

"But ... what if .... "

"Then I will be always there in college to protect Pharm ."

.....Winniee .....

"Ah ! " Team growls and climbs down the bed to open the door . "What ?"

"Where is Winnie ?" Molly asks .

"He said , he doesn't want to go to the lovenight .......with you." Team adds the last part .

" You are lying ! "

Team grins "ok !ok! come in . Ask him yourself "

Molly pushes Team aside and walks in "Winnieee , I didn't locked the door back then .. can you please trust me and come with me ?"

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