13. Trauma

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3rd person's pov :

"by the way, where is Pharm ? Who is his partner ?"

Team looks at Manao with a frown . "P'Dean , I thought he is with you ."

Dean chuckles "no , why he would be with me . We met in the afternoon but after that he said he will be with you guys ."

Manao frowns harder "but P'Dean he never came back to his room . We were there ."

Dean frowns this time and takes his phone to dial Pharm's number "what are you guys saying ? I , myself dropped him at the garden of ressort . "

Team and Manao looks at Dean silently with worried face .

"His phone is switched off ! " Dean cuts the call "you sure , he is not in his room ? Team your room is beside his room . You didn't see him for once ?" Dean panics .

Team gulps "P' I was not in my room . I was in hia's room ."

"Let's go and check his room ." Manao suggests .

"Yeah .. let's go ." Dean runs ahead of them . Team and Manao follows .


"He is not in his room ." Dean comes out of Pharm's room even before Team and Manao could enter .

"Let's search in garden ." Dean panics more . "Win ... where is Win ? Call him .."

"What happened ?"

Win calls from their back "any problem ? I heard my name ."

"Pharm ..! Win , Pharm is not with them . Pharm is not in his room . His phone is switched off ." Dean looks at Win in fear .

Team looks in between P'Dean and hia . Why he feels like something is wrong .

"Let's go to the garden ...!" Manao states .

"Y... yeah ! " Dean was about to leave when Win holds Dean's hand "Dean , Tell Me The Truth , did you talk anything personal to him , here ?"

Dean panics more "I .. we were far .. from this place .. "

Win growls "Why Deaaan ? Why ?"

"We .... he wanted ..me to dance .."

"I told you not hereeee !!" Win shouts in frustration .

"Wait .. wh..what is happening ?" Team asks this time .

"Win takes a deep breath ... let's go ... we have to find every ressort in this place ." Win pulls Dean's hand and walks towards the exit .

Team and Manao frowns "wait , we are comming too ."

"Come fast and don't be alone , stick with us ." Win shouts while climbing down the stairs .

"Ok !" Team presses the lift's bottom and enters in it alone . Manao who was also climbing down the stairs , halts .

Team frowns "we .... have lifts here , you didn't know ?"


"Why are we searching here and there like this ?" Team huffs while running behind Win and Dean .

Win bangs the table of receptionist "is there any new entry with this boy ?" Win shows a picture of Pharm .

"No , there is not ! Excuse me ?" The receptionist frowns .

"It's urgent Ms . Are you sure ? You haven't seen this boy or any other boy gang carrying him ? Anything like this ." Dean asks more politely . It's the sixth ressort they are saeching .

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