12. where ?

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Mistakes are there !!


3rd person's pov :

"This is not expected from you Molly ." Win shouts in frustration . He is trying hard for five minutes to open the door .

"Win , trust me .. I didn't do it . " Molly pleads .

"Of course , I can see that . The doir is locked from outside . You asked your friend to do it . It's the same ." Win shouts .

"Win , I don't know what you think of me but I don't play this kind of cheap tricks ." Molly replies a little offended .

"Really ? Then what the hell are you doing here in my room in the first place , Molly ?" Win huffs and dials Dean's number for second times .

"That fucker , isn't picking up !" Win sits the bed .

Molly sita beside Win "calm down .....

Win stands up as soon as Molly sits on the bed "stay away from me . I don't want any new rumours about me . You and me have nothing . Absolutely nothing ."

Molly pouts but decides to stay silent as Win is calling on his phone again .

"Hello , is it P' Krum ? Manager of nature top ressort ?"


"Yeah ! I am Win Gutachhai ! I am staying in room no108 ! And my room is locked from outside somehow .. can you come and help ?"


"Yeah ! Ok .. ok thank You . Please come fast , I am stuck inside the room ."

Win cuts the phone call and sighs .


Manao enters in Team's room . "Pharm got P'Dean . They went a little far to talk ."

Team smirks "so , my plan worked ! Ask Pharm to thank me later . "

Manao sits on the bed "but what about P'Win ? Where is he ?"

"Locked in his room ." Team sighs .

"Oh ! So , that's why I saw , the staffs running towards his room !"

" What staff ? Wait ! Are there here to unlock the door ?" Team widens his eyes .

"I think so .. or maybe they have some other job .. I don't know ." Manao opens a packet of lays from Team's snack .

"Shit ! Manao ... if they opens the door . Hiaaa will be out and he will search for P'Dean . But how did the staff know ? Oh god ... let's goo .. we have to stop them ."
Team runs out of his room .


Win's pov :

I was thanking the manager when Team and Manaor runs in front of my room . I look at them .

Manao frowns seeing me and Team looks blankly at my side ? Oh shit Molly . No way , the last thing I want now , in my life is , a misunderstanding regarding me and Molly .

I tried to capture Team's eyes but it's hard .. he is not even looking at me .

"We are really sorry sir ! Someone just joked with you ." The manager calls me .

"Yeah ! It's ok !" I nod and look at Team again .

"Win , I am sorry again . But you got me wrong ." Molly says to me .

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