11.My job

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Well ,
First , I am sorry 😂
Second , go ahead !!


Team's pov :

Teaaammm !

Ai'Teaaammm !!!!

Team Team Teaamm !!!!

I close his ears with my both hands . "Shit Guys , why are you shouting ?"

"Because you are not responding for ten minutes . " Manao shouts at me .

"Yes ! You just said you have a way and I am asking you what way for ten minutes ! " Pharm shouts too .

"Guys ! I was just thinking about the way ." I shout .

"What way ? You were smiling like craazyy !!" Parm asks in desperation .

I sigh . I think , I should explain my plan to them . "Look ! You couldn't ask P'Dean for a dance because hia scolded you , right ?"

Pharm nods .

"Then if I make hia busy , he will leave P'Dean alone . As soon as P'Dean gets separated from hia , just jump on him annnd ask him out . How about that ?" I ask Pharm .

"Sounds good but how will you make P'Win busy ? He is not even talking with you ." Manao asks me .

I smile widely "I am my ways ."

"Don't get into daydreaming again ." Pharm shouts .

I pout "ok ! Ok ! .. "

"So , when are you going to make P'Win busy ?" Pharm asks .

" After lunch ! When everybody will hang around outside . I will keep hia inside . Ok ?"

"Oookkk !" Pharm and Manao grins at me . I grin back !


Win takes his glasses and ears it while releasing his ponytail while playing the vollyball . It's the last game before lunch . And he wants to win it for swimming club .

"Best of luck Win . " Dean shouts while blowing the whistle .

Win smirks at the opponent team . "Best of luck to you guys too ."

The girls cheers loudly . Team scoffs from the audience seat . "they knows , he is gay ... still ..."

"Are you feeling sad .. ? Awww !"

Team looks at his side . It's the same girl from the bus .

"You know what ? save it for later .. because , till lovenight .. I will make him straight , like Del did it last year ."

Team scoffs again "is he made of clay ? You will make him straight ?"

"You will see , baby .. you will see ." The girl flips her hair .

"I don't even want to see you . You are the one who comes to talk to me , everytime ." Team mumbles while looking at the playground .

"Winnieee , you are the best !" The girl shouts .

Team growls "stop ahouting like a crow ."

" Upps ! Sorry Fag ."

"Youuuu ..... "

"Team , stop it .. everybody is looking at you ." Pharm whispers from Team's left side . Team frowns then looks around .

"Was I loud ?" Team asks in whisper .

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