10. Rehearsal

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(Now I like this part more than other two , I wrote at noon ! Hope it's good !!

Whatever , mistakes are there !!
I will re-read it after dinner !!🤭)


3rd person's pov :

Team looks at Win again as soon as he climbs down from the bus . Win is still busy with his leader work and isn't sparing a single glace at Team . Team sighs .

Pharm looks in between Win and Team . "You sure , there is nothing ?"

Team looks at his side "no ...nothing , but what are you doing here ?" Aren't you going with P'Dean ?"

Pharm blushes "no ... we are not officially out . So , we gonna maintain distance between us ."

Team shakes his head "should have known , A dog's friend always be a dog ."

"Huh ?"

"Nothing .. but will you stay away from him in this kind of beautiful place ? Look at the hills ? Look at the trees ?" Team asks .

"Yes !"

" NNoo ! "
Both Team and Manao shouts together .

"Huh ! Where are you comming from ?" Pharm asks Manao .

"From another bus ! But that's not the point . The point is what I heard ! Guess how are we going to spend our evening time here ?" Manao grins .

"How ?" Team asks while stealing a glance at Win . And this time he catches Win's eyes too . But before he could react Win looks away .

"We are going to have lovenight ." Manao cheers happily .

"What's lovenight ?"

"They said , we all are going to be at the rooftop of the ressort at night . There we are going to sing for our love , dance with our love , share each other's love story and all that ... it happens every year !!" Manao informs .

"Dammmn ! Sounds good but P'Dean ..."

"We will make him agree , don't worry ." Team states .

"Talk about yourself . What about you and P'Win ?" Manao asks .

Team sighs "I tried to act too much mature and asked divorce from him . Now how to lose my face ?"


Win looks at Dean's pout . He chuckles . " stop acting like a kid . You can't go to Pharm now . Neither you can share a room with him . "

"I know but I wish , I could ." Dean sighs .

"P'Deaaan ." Pharm calls .

Dean turns around to look at Pharm . "What ?"

"Can I have a moment P' ? It's urgent ." Pharm says sweetly .

Win frowns "not now , Pharm . You can talk with him later ."

"But P' ....."

"Not Now , Pharm ." Win states coldly .

Pharm gulps "o... ok P' .."


"What do you mean by Ok ?" Team shouts .

"He said not now , Team .. what else can I say ?" Pharm pouts .

"Who the hell is he to say no ? He can say no to me .. not to you . Stupid villain of love ." Team growls .

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