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Standing in front of the Seattle Grace hospital felt unreal to Melissa Gordon

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Standing in front of the Seattle Grace hospital felt unreal to Melissa Gordon. Her dreams of becoming a surgeon were just about to begin and she couldn't wait any longer. Good job! Melissa, you are late to the first day of your surgical internship. You better hope someone else is late too Melissa thought to herself as she walked through the doors of Seattle Grace. Melissa ran through the halls of the hospital to hopefully get there before anything important. As she approached the OR she saw that she wasn't the only late one. " Hold the door please", Melissa yelled to the blonde who was about to enter the OR. She ran to the OR door to make herself and the blonde girl even later for their first day. "Thanks" whispered Melissa as she entered the OR.

" Each of you comes here hopeful." Melissa heard the chief of Seattle Grace start to tell all the other interns. "Wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition." Looking around she saw her competition and the place she knew she would come to love and lead to. " Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you." the chief concluded, telling the interns.


With her bag on her shoulder, she followed the doctor who was leading all the interns to the intern locker rooms. As everyone entered the intern locker rooms the doctor began saying " These are the intern locker rooms. The showers and bathrooms are in the back which can be used by everyone. While here is where you will be placing your things. Each intern gets one locker and no more since there are too many of you and make sure to lock your thing if you want but that is all up to each one of you.". Melissa zoned off and no longer paid much attention to what was being said but instead looked at the locker room that she felt that she would come to love. Melissa quickly began to pay attention to what the doctor was telling the rest of the interns and before she knew it the very first day of her surgical internship began which meant that she was gonna be a 48-hour shift which meant that she wouldn't be going to the hotel room she called home for a while.

" Okay. Martin, Robinson, Bond, Parkins!", Melissa heard a doctor yell while she changed into her scrubs. Melissa looked around and saw that her intern group was very large, which made her realize that it was going to make it a struggle to be on the top. She also noticed that there weren't that many women in the group of interns. " There are only seven women out of twenty." Melissa heard Meredith (the blonde intern which was late) say to her and the black-haired intern. " Yeah" Melissa responded, while the other intern responded with " Yeah.  I hear one of them's a model. Seriously, like that's going to help with the respect thing?".  "Your Cristina and Melissa, right?" Meredith stated to Melissa and Cristina. Melissa and Cristina just nodded to Meredith. " Which resident are you guys assigned to? I got Bailey," Cristina asked the two interns standing in front of her. Melissa nodded to Cristina while tying her shoes while Meredith said " The Nazi? Yeah me, too".

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