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Melissa loved hotels

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Melissa loved hotels. Something about them reminded her of traveling and all the fun she had while traveling. Although now that she had been living in a hotel room for around two weeks, she had grown tired of living in them.

The walls were a cream color and the carpet felt rough under her feet. The bed was comfortable but it was the comforter that she absolutely hated. If she had any meal she had to eat it on the bed because she hadn't purchased a room with any sort of table due to them being too pricey. She opted for the cheaper room because she wanted to save her money so that she could buy an apartment where she could make a life and would like.

Melissa groaned as she looked for her granola bars that were somewhere in her dresser tables. She needed to leave the hotel room in less than five minutes or else he would be late for work and she wouldn't allow herself to be late ever unless it was an emergency.

"Oh, my" She yelled while looking at the clock on the dresser. She finally noticed she had no more time to look for them. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and shook her head. She quickly grabbed her phone and placed it in her bag and her keys and rushed out of the room.

As she rushed through the lobby, she smiled at the people she passed and said hello to the workers who had helped her. Once she finally pushed out the front lobby doors she adjusted and started walking towards her car. "I really need to find an apartment." She mumbled to herself as she started her car.


Melissa was able to make it exactly on time with enough time to change into her scrubs and put up her hair into a ponytail before searching for her friendsdown the hospital halls.

A smile formed on her face once she saw that Merideth, George, Izzie were all talking. Both George and Izzie had had pleading looks on their faces while Meredith just gave them a bored look.

"Hey, what's going on?"Melissa asked slowly. Meredith looked at her with eyes that said "help me", holding some coffees in her hands.

"She is looking for roommates and didn't even think of us to be her roommates." Izzie explained, George just nodded in agreement. Melissa adjusted her back, looking at Meredith with hopeful eyes.

"I'm a very clean person. I love to cleaning and tidying up any mess. I also know how to cook real food not the ones you buy in boxes and then put in the microwave. Also I know how to bake any dessert but I am best known for my apple pies and it has many people who fight for them. Plus I would be a very quiet roommate and I would also buy groceries."

Meredith stopped walking to look back at the girl behind her. She then sighed and and just shook her head. " You all do understand that we're together a hundred hours a week, you want to live together too? Also I only have two bedrooms and an attic which I doubt anyone wants to live in. Which means truely I can only have two roommates."

Melissa opened her mouth to start rambling on how It didn't matter the condition of the living place and that she would happily take the attic and would only move just a little stuff to accommodate for her stuff and then place a divider between her stuff and Meredith's.  Although, Cristina showed up to stop her ramblings, looking at the two coffees in her hands.

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