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Secrets can't hide in science

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Secrets can't hide in science. Medicine has a way of exposing lies. Within the walls of the hospital, the truth is stripped bare.

Melissa had always awoken early because her parents were constantly at the hospital all day, and the morning was the only time she could talk to them. Mel was relieved she had awoken early and no longer needed to use the bathroom.

"George. You locked the door. I need to take a shower." Mel heard Izzie speak to George.

"What's going on Izzie," Mel asked.

"I think I may have interrupted something," Izzie said and with that Mel took it as her queue to leave and didn't want to be a part of Georgie's misery.

Ooh George I do wish you luck Mel thought to herself as she left for work.


It had been a long day for Melissa at the hospital, as she walked down the hall she was suddenly grabbed and pulled into a room by Cristina. 

" Why did you need to grab me like that" Mel said half terrified to her friend. 

"We are saving George from a future of festering sores and insanity," Izzie said to her fellow interns in the room. 

"So that's why Gorgie was spending so much time in the bathroom," Mel stated after recalling this morning's events. 

"Oh, cute butt," Cristina said jokingly having Meredith nod in agreement causing Melissa to let out a giggle.

 "It is cute, like a baby's," Izzie added. 

 "You know, I have spent hours, days, years, imagining myself half-naked in a room with four women. The reality is so much better." George said as he pulled up his scrubs and left the room. 

"I think he's gonna cry," Cristina said. 

"Cristina not now," Mel said to her friend to stop egging on their sick friend. 


Melissa was still trying to get over the talk that the chief had about having protected sex due to the syphilis outbreak. She really could not believe that George was patient zero she could only wonder who gave it to him. 

She was lost in her own thoughts when her pager went off which caused her to break out of her thoughts. 

"Shit," Mel said softly as she saw it was Shepherd and began to run looking for him.


"Dr.Shepherd," Melissa said out of breath as she entered the scanning room "You paged."

"Yeah, I need you to help me out on something for the chief." He asked the intern in front of him " Can you keep a secret?" 

Mel held up her hand for him to give her a minute so that she could catch her break. 

"Better than you think." Mel said " You do remember nobody knew about Meredith and you, Derek"

He gave Mel a knowing look as they walked out of the room. 

"It's a complicated surgery." Derek began to explain to his intern.


Later on in the day, Melissa entered the OR room which had a Do Not Enter-Closed For Maintenance sign, where the Chief was being prepared for. his surgery. 

"How are we doing?" Derek said to his patient on the table. 

"Did you lock up the gallery?" Richard asked. 

 "Don't worry. We're flying under the radar." Derek said," What did you put out there, the Midas Rex?" 

 "We've got it, chief." Dr. Bailey said. 

 "How much cancomycin is there?" The chief asked.

 "One gram, as ordered, sir." 

 "You're not gonna be too liberal with those benzos, are ya?" Richard said as he looked at all of the people within the OR. 

 "You know, doctors make the worst patients. You should just breathe in the happy gas. Stop running my OR. I got you covered." Derek said getting ready. Mel understood that she needed to prep for Shepherd and to get his instruments ready just like he liked them.


Derek was finishing up the surgery after a couple of hours Melissa was in awe of how the tumor was affecting the Chief. 

"Ok, I've sutured the drain in place. The staples look fine. All right, we're done here. Dr. Bailey, do you want to wrap him?" Derek said, "Dr. Gordon stay behind and help."

"I got it." Dr. Bailey said. With having Melissa nodded in acknowledgment. 

"Nice work, everybody. Nicely done." Derek said to the OR. 

"Thank you," Melissa said to the surgeon beside him. 

"Do you think the optic nerve is damaged?" Meredith said beside Bailey. 

"If it is, when he wakes up, he'll..." Bailey responded.

"He'll be blind? For how long?" Meredith continued. 

"Forever. Page Stevens and Yang. Tell them I want them to cover your patients. I need you two to stay and monitor the chief." Bailey said to her interns. 

" I can page them but I haven't seen them all day Dr. Bailey" Melissa said telling the truth. 

 "Cristina and Izzie, um...I think they're already swamped." Meredith said but Mel knew her friend was covering for them. 

 "With what?" 

 "Labs. They had to check on some labs." Meredith continued with her lie. 

 "Oh, you are lying. I know you're lying. Do you know how I know? Cause you're a bad liar! I hate a bad liar. At least one of my interns doesn't lie" Bailey said looking over to another surgeon "Take over for me. I know exactly where they are. Here. Take over for me."

"Meredith why did you lie to the Nazi," Melissa said as Dr. Bailey left. 


Melissa was finally done with her shift after the long day she had with having the chief's surgery. As she got off the elevator she noticed Meredith and Derek by the waiting lounge. 

As she approached she noticed a redhead approach the two and heard her say "And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband." while pointing at Meredith. 

Mel stopped in her tracks and saw her friend's face lose color still processing what had just been saying a couple of minutes ago. 

The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets free.


Word Count: 1018


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