chapter ninety one.

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Liv's POV

2 weeks since we went to the tattoo parlor and we've done nothing but hang out these past days. Tess and Jase come back from London today and we pick them up from the airport at 1 in the afternoon. 

"Ash!" I yelled. He was downstairs with the boys and I was upstairs on my laptop.

"Yes?" he yelled back.

"It's 12. We have to get Tess and Jase soon." I yelled back.

"Ok. I'll be up there in a minute." he said. I pulled out my phone to text Nicole.

To: Nicole

Are you coming with Ash and I to pick Tess up ?

From: Nicole

Um, I guess. Cal isn't here so...

To: Nicole

He's at my house. Come over.

From: Nicole

Heading over now :-)

When I put my phone down, Ashton walked in.

"Are you gunna change?" I asked him.

"Ya." he said before pulling his shirt over his head.

"Ok. I'm gunna head down because Nic is coming over." I replied.

"Nooo stay." he whined.

"Ashton." I whined back.

"C'mon. PLease." he begged.

"Fine." I groaned. "SHe has the spare keys anyway."

"Yay." he cheered before looking back into the closet.

"You should wear your Bring Me the Horizon shirt." I suggested.

"I don't have one." he said in confusion. I smirked before bending over the bed and pulling out a Hot Topic bag.

"Now you do." I replied with a smile.

"What! Thank you so much Liv. It's not even my birthday. In fact, it's yours in about 2 days." he replied with a chuckle.

"Well, I saw it and I knew you wanted one so I got it for you." I said with a shrug.

"What do you want for your brithday?" he asked me.

"I don't know. You'll just have to surprise me." I said with a wink before walking out of the room.


A few minutes later, Ashton came down the stairs.

"Now, what are we gunna do?" he asked as he plopped beside me on the couch.

"We wait till Tess calls." I replied.

Rigt when I said that, she called.

"Tess!" I yelled into the phone.

"Hey Liv. We just landed." she said.

"We're on our way." I said before hanging up.

"C'mon." I said before pulling everyone along with me.


We reached the airport and she was standing with Jase by the bench.

"Tess!" I yelled while running towards her.

"Liv!" she said before pulling me into her embrace.

"We missed you." I said.

"We missed you too."

I released her and went over to Jase.

"Hey Jasey. I missed you." I said before hugging him.

"I missed you too Livia." he replied with a chuckle.

"Now, you guys have to do one thing before we get home." I said with a smirk.


"NO OLIVIA." Tess said in a jumpy tone.

"Why not? It's just 3 dots." Harley told her.

"I'm scared! I've never gotten a tattoo before." she replied.

"Then this'll be fun." I giggled.

"Fine." she said grumpily.


"Done." Ace said.

"Already?" Tess said.

"Yup. Jase is done too."

"Wow. That wasn't bad." she chuckled.

"See." I said with a nod.

"Ya ya." she giggled.

"Lemme see." I begged like a 5 year old. she flashed me her arm and it looked like the rest of ours. 

"Perfect." I said with a smile.


"Tess!" Alaska said as we reached Michael's place.

"Hey guys." she giggled.

"What took you guys so long?" Naomi asked.

Tess and Jase just lifted their arm and everyone responded by lifting their's also.

"This is awesome." Tess laughed.

"See. This is why we got it." I giggled.

"It's perfect."

"Wait, you have to tell us about your time at London." Alaska said.

"We had an amazing time. Sight seeing the whole time. There's so much to see there." Tess said with a smile.

"Ya. There was definitely a lot to see. We stayed there for about 3 weeks and it still wasn't enough time to visit all the famous places which in pretty much everything." he chuckled.

"I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves." I said with a smile.

"We did." Jase said before looking at Tess who can't seem to stop smiling.

"You guys are so cute." I whined.

"Shut up. You and Ash are literally goals." she replied.

"Aha. Funny." I said with a giggle.

"Not joking." she said monotoned.

"Whatever floats your boat kid." I said before shrugging.

"Liv, truth or dare?" she asked.

"Dare." I said confidently.

"I dare you too kiss Ashton right in front of us." she smirked.

"There are underaged kids here!" I scolded.

"Like who?" she asked in confusion.

"Luke and Calum." I replied with a giggle.

"Just do it." she said.

"FIne." I said before grabbing Ashton and slowly kissing him. Most of them gagged and Tess and Jase aww'ed.

I pulled away and smirked. "Dare complete."

"My eyes! They burn!" Luke said.

"See." I told Tess.

"Man up Lucas." Noami said.

"Yes ma'am." he replied before tackling her onto the ground.

"Fucking Luke! Ow!" she yelled.

He was now sitting on her.

"LUKE GET YOUR FATASS OFF ME DAMN IT." she said sternly.

He got off and she tackled him while she giggled.

"Ow you buttcrack!" Luke laughed. She got off him and pinched his cheeks.

"See. That's goals." I said before smirking. Soon, everyone nodded in agreement causing me to laugh.


sorry for misspells.

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