chapter ninety seven.

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ok but first can we talk about how they signed another band?! Like, they're that big now like wtf. What has life gotten to. I kind of miss the garage band who earned 12 people each gig.


Liv's POV

We arrived at New Zealand 4 hours ago and we had so much energy. We were walking around area we stayed in. 

"I kind of want to hang out of the venue since the show is in 2 hours." Luke said.

"Same." I said in agreement.

"To the venue!" Michael said as he fisted his hand and ran towards the car causing all of us to laugh.


We were hopping out of the car at the venue parking lot.

"Oh my gosh!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and it was about 40 girls.

We had no security guard with us by the way.

"Hey girls." Calum said as he waved. They came trampling over towards us and I was kind of scared to be honest.

"Oh my gosh Cal, I love you so much." one of them yelled.

"Aw I love you too." he replied with a smile. 

A few minutes later, a few more girls arrived so I headed inside. The other girls were wanted for photos so I just moved along.

"Hey Matty." I said as I entered the dressing room.

"Hey Liv. Where is everyone else?" he asked in confusion.

"Taking pictures with fans." I replied.

"Why are you not out there?" he asked.

"Too overwhelming." I said with a chuckle.

"You'll get used to it."

"I'll never get used to this." I whispered making it barely audible for him to here.

"Hey Liv. Why'd you leave?" Ashton said as he walked in.

"I got, umm, it was, uhh, overwhelming. Yup. That's the word." I said. 

"Are you ok?" he asked in concern.

"Perfect. I just didn't wanna wait." I replied.

"Well everyone was looking for you." Calum said as he walked in.

"You guys knew where I was."

"Not us. The fam. They were asking Ashton where you went." he said.

"Well, it was overwhelming." I replied as I shook my head.

There was a silence between us all before George broke the silence.

"So... what are we gunna do for an hour and a half?" he asked.

"I don't know. You guys just wanna play random songs?" Michael asked.

"Ohhh that sounds fun. Ashton, I wanna play your drums." I said in a cheery tone.

"Random songs it is." Matty said with a chuckle.


We headed over to the stage and I sat on the drum stool.

"Now, make sure you push down on the pedals needed to be-" Ashton started, but I cut him off.

"Ash, I know how to play the drums remember?" I chuckled.

"Fine fine. I'll back off. In that case, Luke! Teach me how to play the guitar!" Ashton demanded.

I chuckled before banging away. Matty then walked onto the stage with his guitar and started playing along and we eventually started playing Sex.

George was head banging and eventually Calum joined on the bass. Everyone was singing too.

"That was fun." I said with a giggle.

"You're good at drums." Matty chuckled.

"I can play guitar too." I said before hopping off the stool.

"Here. You play." he said before handing me his electric guitar. I put the straps over my shoulder and grabbed a pick from the stand.

"What do you want me to play?" I asked.

"Anything." they replied.

I started to play Girls by them and they started laughing.

"Does it sound bad?" I said in concern.

"You're doing it exactly how we do it." he chuckled.


"That's amazing." George yelled with a giggle. 

"I could play Heart out." I said.

"Do it."

I started playing the intro of the song and they started laughing again.

"How do you know the exact chords?" George asked.

"I have resources aka internet." I replied with a smirk.

"You're good." Ross said still laughing.

"Why are you still laughing?" Ashton asked. HIS ACCENT WAS THICK AS FUCK WHEN HE SAID LAUGHING.

"Because she's that good." he replied.

This caused me to blush.

"Aw look it." Calum said while squishing my cheeks.

"Stop it you dickhead." I chuckled before squirming out of his grip.

"Hey! Let her go mate. You're almost about to kiss her. Hands off." Ashton scolded before swatting Calum's hand away.

"Ow! Dick." Calum said unfer his breath.

"Say it to my face." Ashton said.

"Dick!" Calum yelled. A silence grew before Calum and Ashton broke into a fit of laughter.

"Sometimes I actually believe you guys will break into a fight. Chill." I said in relief.

"FIne fine. You know it's funny though." Ashton said before propping his elbow onto my shoulder.

"The concert is in like 45 minutes." Luke chuckled. All the boys rushed backstage to get ready while I sat with the fans that had the soundcheck tickets.

"Are you guys excited for the show?" I asked. They sqealed in their seats before replying with an excited yes.

"Liv!" I heard Ashton yell from backstage.


"Come backstage." he said with a smile.

"Ok. I'll be right there." I replied before getting up to head back.

"Ashton?" I said in confusion since no one was backstage after I walked up the steps.

"Ashton!" I yelled.

A minute or two later, Calum walked out.

"Showtime." he said.

"What? I thought it starts in 30 minutes." I said in confusion.

"Change of plans." he said with a smirk before walking out.


sorry for misspells.

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