chapter ninety five.

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In this chapter, wherever you are is a new song. :)


Liv's POV

It's been about a week since the tour news and Delilah has doing her best to get management let us come along on tour.

"Ash, what if they don't let us go?" I asked.

"They wiil because if not, we're not taking the tour offer." he replied.

"Ash, I finished the new song." Calum said as he walked into the room.

"Sweet. Let's practice it?" Ashton asked.


"Can I here it?" I asked.

"We wrote it for you girls. We started it on our first tour when we were sad you guys weren't with us." he replied.

"Aw. Are the girls here to hear it too?" I asked.

"Ya. In Mikey's garage." he replied with a smile.

"What's it called?" I asked.

"Wherever you are." he replied.


I followed Ashton into the garage and the girls were already there like he said. They were by the instruments now and Luke just picked up his guitar.

"Are you girls ready?" he asked.

"Yes!" we all said in unison. He chuckled before clearing his throat and starting the song.

"For a while we pretended
that we never had to end it..." he sang.

As he continued on with the song, I felt like crying because it was such a beautiful song. It was also true. It basically was the feelings we all felt when we were seperated from each other.

"Wherever you are." he finished. Us girls were all smiling and tearing up at the same time.

"That was so good." Nicole chuckled before wiping her eyes.

"I agree." Alaska said.

"You guys, that was probably one of the best songs you've written." I said with a smile.

"Thanks Olive." Calum replied with a smile and a wink.

"Who wrote the song?" I asked. They all looked at each other before replying,

"Ashton." Luke said.

"Really?" I said with a small smile. I looked at Ashton who was blushing.

"Ya. I was just sad during the first tour." he replied. I walked over to him.

"Well it was beautiful." I said before kissing him on the cheek.

A few mintues later, Michael got a call.

"Delilah? Ok cool... We'll be there... Ya... ok. bye." he said. We all watched as he set his phone down.

"She wants us to head over to the first venue which is here in Aus. She wants us to check out the place before we plya there in 3 weeks." he said.

"Ok." I replied. We all sighed before standing up from the places we sat. We headed back into the house to grab our things.


We were now parked outside the venue.

"Ready?" Calum asked all of us. We nodded and headed for the front door.

"Boys!" Delilah said as we walked into the venue.

"Hey Lilah." Ashton said.

"Good. All of you guys are here." she said with a smile.

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