Chapter thirty-eight.

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Liv's POV

"Ashton!" i yelled while pounding on his back. He was giggling and i was trying to sound serious. he pulled me over his shoulder because i didnt want to stop dancing.

He finally set me down and pulled me close by my waist and our foreheads were touching. i smiled while i wrapped my arm around his neck while he wrapped his hand around my waist while closing the gap between us. i smiled into the kiss and i pulled only centimeters away so our forehead were still touching. the song, I swear This Time i Mean It by Mayday Parade was playing in the background.

" I love you so so much Olivia Ann Pendrick. i know those three words get overused and meaningless over time, but it's true. i love you so much that it's not even funny anymore. Damn it Liv you drive me crazy." he said without removing his hands from my waist.

i giggled but responded. "i love you so so much Ashton Fletcher Irwin, more than you'll ever know. i love everything about you. your laugh, your smile, youre hazel eyes, your hair. i also love the way your eyes shimmer when you talk about music, or when you giggle to lighten the mood, or when you leave small kisses on my nose. i love all those little things and you make me the happiest person ever. thank you." i said while tiptoeing to peck his cheek. he wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me up into a hug. both of my legs were in the air as i giggled and he hugged me tight.

i knew in this moment, things cant get any better.



2 years later

Liv's POV

"hurry up babe were gunna be late!" i yelled up the stairs. it was Calum's and Nicole's wedding and we had to get there early due to us being one of the main people needed.

"ok!" he yelled back down. he finally reached the bottom of the stares and smiled.

"You look gorgeous Pendrick." he said with a smirk.

"not so bad yourself Irwin." i said while holding my hand out for him to take it. he gladdly took it and we made our way to our car.

i was in college which made it kind of hard for me to make time for him, but i always managed and we were as happy as ever. i went to school for art and photography, while Luke, Michael, Calum, and him were still in their band and they were huge! they were going on tour in 2 months with All Time Low and we are all so very happy for them.

Nicole and Calum are the first to get married out of all of us. Michael and Alaska are engaged and Luke and Naomi are also. Tess and Jase took a break 1 month ago, but realized they needed each other so got back together. Beau is still waiting for the perfect girl to come along, but he's still happy with his life. he goes to my college and did the same courses, art and photography. he's the one that got me into it so we both took the same courses to be able to work together.

Me and Ashton have been engaged for 2 months now and we're still crazy about each other. i dont regret anything at all. He's the reason i smile and without him, i simply cannot live. he's my everything.


"you may now kiss the bride." the priest said and Calum muttered a 'finally' and pulled Nicole in for that magical kiss. all you hear is aww's and clapping. i jumped for joy and pulled Tess in for a hug as we watched the bride and groom look at each other with complete awe.

"oh my gosh. they're married." i said while wiping the tears from my eyes. those two were like my power couple. they were there for me when no one else was. they understood me like no one else. even Ashton doesnt know me like they do.

"can you believe it Liv! we're married!" Nicole said while walking towards me and pulling me in for a hug.

"i know. im so happy for you guys. y'all are gunna mess up my make up." i said while fanning my eyes to keep the mascara from running.

"thank you Liv. i couldn't have asked for a better sister." she said while wiping her own tears before kissing me on the cheek.

"of course babe. anytime." i said while winking and then giggling right after.

i saw Calum and pulled him in for a big hug.

"im so happy for you guys. im crying!" i said while giggling and then wiping the tears from my cheek. Calum giggled and then pecked me on the cheek.

"Love you Liv. thanks for being the best sister i never had." he said while giving me a side hug.

"of course Cal. Nicole said the same thing." i said while giggling. "y'all are soo meant for each other."

"i know, that's why i married her." he said giggling.

"i'll catch up with you guys later. im gunna go find Ash." i said while walking away.

i spotted Ashton, but he was talking to someone i never wanted to see again.




i hope this didnt suck. sorry if it did.

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