chapter forty- two.

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there might be some mispells.


Liv's POV

"he's awake?" i asked sounding a little scared.

"yes, and he wants to see you." she said before wiping a tear from her eye.

"ok. i'll be right there." i said to Ally and she nodded in response.

"Beau, i'll come right back here after i'm done talking to Josh ok?" i said while putting a hand on his arm.

"ya. you go, i'll be fine here." he said before giving he a small smile.

"ok. Love you Beau. i'll be right back." i said while pulling Ashton with me out of the room. i walked into the room next door and the sight i was greeted by was not pleasant. Josh had cuts all across his face, bruises on his neck and arms, he had a cast around his arm and leg. this all brought me back to tears.

"Joshy..." i said while i sobbed.

" Liv please dont cry, im fine." he said while giving me a smile, but flinching 3 seconds later due to pain.

"No you're not Josh. Please stop moving around." i said while walking over to him with stained cheeks.

"Liv, please dont cry." he said while caressing my cheek.

"how can i not cry. my older brother and my best friend got in a car crash and are in the hospital. Josh how can i not cry?" i said crying even more. he wiped the tears that fell and he just held me as i cried. i know i should be the one holding him, but when i break down just like this, he's the one who holds me, so no matter what, this was his job since day 1.

" Liv, im fine. im just scratched up, but i'll survive." he said while palcing a hand on my hand. "Ashton, make sure that when you guys get home later, she's not crying like this. take care of her, buddy." He told Ashton.

"of course. i'll always take care of her, no matter what. you can count on me." Ashton said with a nod.

"Josh, what happened?" i asked him. i wanted to know the full story.

"um, well, we went to the music store and we were planning to get new guitars for you and Luke so y'all can play together since Luke's guitar got messed up and you didn't have one. we planned against it when we got to the store because we wanted you guys to pick and so we were driving home, blasting music and i took my eyes off the rode for 2 seconds and boom." he said while he fiddled with his fingers.

"if you told us you were going there for that reason, none of this would've happened." i said with a bit of anger. i was getting mad because he didnt have to do that, yet he did and almost got himself killed.

"why are you getting mad?" he asked with confusion.

"because you- nothing nevermind. get some rest." i said while getting up.

"liv..." he said.

"no. get some rest. we'll talk when you get out of the hospital." i told him then i walked out. Ashton held me back by my wrist.

"why are you mad at him?" he asked.

"because he could've told me before. if he did, we wouldn't be here." i said to him.

"well Liv can you blame him? it was a surprise." he told me with scrunched up eyebrows.

"i know, but im just mad because this shouldn't have happened." i said while i brought my hand up to my face.

i looked into Beau's room and he was sleeping so i just sat in the waiting room. 2 minutes later we heard a flat line beep.

"what's happening?" i said while standing up. the nurses came and started rushing into Beau room.

"wait.. no.. what's going on?" i said while trying to get in his rom but one of the nurses stopped me.

"im sorry dear, but no one is aloud in right now." she said while closing the door behind her.

i stood there just staring blankly at the door with wide eyes. i felt tears fill my eyes.

is he going to die? is he gunna stay alive?

all these questions were popping into my head and i walked backwards and just sat down on the ground with my hand cupping my mouth.

"Liv... it's fine... he'll be fine." Ashton said while sitting beside me and pulling me into his arms. i cried in his chest and he just rubbed my back.

"A-ashton, im s-scared." i stuttered.

"i know, but everything will be fine." he said while giving me a small smile.

a nurse walked out of Beau's room with a sad look on her face. i immediately stood up.

"umm... ma'am.. im Beau's sister. is he ok?" i lied while wiping my face. she looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

"im so sorry, dear. we couldn't save him." she said before walking off.

"what, no. this can't be no no." i said while i slid down the wall. i brought my knees to my chest and broke down. Ashton came to sit by me and he immediately brought me into his embrace again.

he's gone, and there's nothing i can do about it.

" why him? when we came, he was fine. the doctor's said he was fine." i said while looking at Ashton with glassy eyes.

"i dont know baby. im really sorry about him. but i know even though this is a negative event, i know something good will come out of this." he said while kissing my forehead.

"why couldn't it have been me? not him. he had so much to live for." i said while more tears slid down my face.

"no baby, please don't say that. you have so much to live for too." he said while kissing my temple.

"ya, sure. i have you, my family and that's it. so if it was me who was dead, no one would care." i said while looking at my fiddling fingers.

"don't say that Olivia." he told me. "your brother said to take care of you and that's what i'm gunna do. your not gunna mope around because of this Liv. i know it's gunna be hard, but i'll be with you every step of the way ok?" he said while lifting my chin up.

"thank you Ashton. how do i even deserve someone like you." i said with a small chuckle.

"hey, i love you ok? we can do this together." he said with a smile. i kissed his cheek, got up, wiped my tears, and took a deep breath.

"ok. i'll try my best to move on from this. give me 2 days to mope around and then after i promise i'll regain my strength, but it wont be that easy." i told Ashton.

"i know. 2 days. that's it." he told me. "i dont like seeing you miserable."

"i'll try. i dont know if i can do it though." i said as i walked into Josh's room.

"i dont know if i can handle this anymore Josh." i said as i sat down by him.


this kinda sucked but.... BEAU DIED.

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