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  • Dedicated to Chandler Riggs, Vincent Martella, Amanda, Julia, Jake,

"ROSE!! BETH!!" I was woken up by the sound of Patrick yelling. I couldn't help but smile, remembering the beautiful work Beth and I did last night. I leaned over the edge of the cott, my brown hair falling as I did so. "You dont need to yell, Pattycake" I said with a small smile. Patrick hated when I called him that. He flipped me off, but at the same time showed me the wonderful work Beth did to his nails. They were neon pink. I giggled. "What the hell. What the actual hell." The boy sounded annoyed. "Im sorry, Patrick. But now you look so pretty!!" I said while clapping my hands. As soon as I did I realized it was a mistake, because I fell off the edge and onto the floor with a thud. "Ow" was the only thing I was able to say. Patrick got up and helped me. "Karma" was the only word he said. I laughed it off. Soon I heard footsteps and it was none other than Tristian.

He joined our group a while ago. I knew him before the apocalypse, but only because we went to the same school. I kinda had a crush on him. He was tall, well taller then I was, and his hair was long, but shorter than mine. He was sweet when he did acknowledge my existence. But now, we were like best friends

He looked at me with a concerned look. "Hey Rose, you okay? I heard something." He asked. I nodded "Yeah i'm fine." I lied. Falling is painful. "Ok. Patrick take care of her. I'm going on the run with Daryl, Rick, Michone, and Glenn." Patrick nodded "Will do" he said with an eyeroll. It was obvious Patrick didn't like Tristan. I didn't know why. After that Tristan left and Carl woke up. "Hey Rose. hey patrick." He said with a yawn. He rubbed his eyes, then he saw my work. "What the fuck?" He looked at me. "Really Rose? Really?" His tone was unamused, but i couldn't stop laughing. I was cut short by the sounds of shouts and screams and gunshots. something was wrong.

After i threw my shoes on I ran outside, with the boys at my heels. What I saw was unreal. About 50 where walkers closing in. I was thankful daddy gave me one of his guns, because I would need it. We ran down to the fence and just started stabbing and shooting. Stabbing and shooting. I screamed when I felt something grab my ankle. A walker had somehow gotten under the fence and was using me as a pillar to freedom. It pulled and I fell over, kicking and flailing. I pulled out my gun and shot it. I got back up and continued stabbing them. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rick and Daryl outside the fence. Daryl had 5 walkers coming at him at once, but of course Rick had his back. The horde was almost defeated, without anyone being bitten, so of course, I had to jinx it.

I heard screams of bloody murder as I saw Jane, Patricks girlfriend and my close survival buddy, get pulled apart by walkers. She made the stupid ass move of trying to run outside the fence. "JANE!! NOOO!!!" I heard Patrick scream behind me. He was about to run after her but I grabbed his arm "Patrick no! Shes dead. You can't help her!" I was looking into his eyes, which brimmed with tears. " I can't! I have to help her! I can't leave her!" Patrick tried to get away from my grip, he almost succeeded but then I wrapped my arms around his torso. "Patrick please! Dont leave! You'll die out there!!!!" I pleaded with him "Please.." The last part came out so quietly i wasn't sure if he heard it. I couldn't lose him too. Jane was like a sister to me, and now she was gone. "Rose let me go! I need to help her!!" patrick tried struggling again, but it didn't work. I was stronger than he was. "DAMMIT PATRICK NO!!! I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO!! JANE WAS LIKE MY SISTER AND SHE'S DEAD!! YOU'RE ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS AND I COULDN'T HANDLE IT IF YOU DIED TOO!!!" I screamed, I felt tears run down my cheeks. "I can't lose you too" I was now full-blown sobbing into his chest. All the gunfire stopped shortly after and Patrick returned my embrace and cried into my shoulder. "Rose, I- I think I loved her.." patrick squeezed me tighter and cried quietly into my shoulder. He released his hold on me and looked at the floor. " I'll be in the cell." He said softly, then turned around and quickly walked back inside. I could tell he wasn't finished crying, but he didn't want to continue infront of everyone else. It made my heart hurt seeing him that way.

I turned around and what I saw made me sick to my stomach. I saw Jane's body, what was left of it anyway, and blood everywhere. I couldn't control what happened next. I leaned against the fence for support with one hand and clutched my stomach with the other as I threw up, emptying my stomach contents. Carl was behind me in an instant, holding my hair. Once I thought it was over I stood there, unsure about what to do next. I jumped as carl put his hand on my back and rubbed it. "Holy shit Rose. Are you okay??" Carl asked, eyes full of concern. I gave him a thumbs up, while still clenching my stomach.

Without warning I felt someone pick me up from behind. I looked up to see Tristan. The sudden movement wasn't a good thing for me at that moment, because I immediately threw one arm over my stomach and one over my mouth. Carl could see that I grew paler than I already was. "Dude you might want to put her down.." Carl looked at Tristan, his eyes full of urgency. "Nah dude shes fine in my arms. Right Rose?" I couldn't answer him. I was still trying to hold it down. I shook my head and tried to squirm out of his grasp, but I couldnt. "Rose calm down you're going to fall!" Tristan looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW??!!" yelled an obviously annoyed Carl. "YOU STUPID SHIT!! LOOK AT HER! SHES ABOUT TO PUKE AGAIN AND YOU'RE STILL HOLDING HER!! SHES PALE!! ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THAT OBLIVIOUS TO THE FACT THAT SHE WANTS TO BE PUT DOWN!! SHE WAS SQUIRMING FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!" Carl's blue eyes narrowed in on Tristan's green ones. Tristan was becoming less attractive by the minuet, and my stomach was doing worse by the second. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. Thats when Tristan decided it would be a good idea to throw me over his shoulder, like a sack of fucking potatoes. Great, more fast movement, and now I was almost upside down. I heard Carl groan "You're a dipdhit." The boy muttered under his breath. Tristan took a step closer, causing me to lose the war that was going on inside my body. My hands flew up to pull back my long brown hair and for the second time today, I threw up, but this time on Tristan's shirt. The taller boy dropped me almost immediately after I finished. I landed on the ground with another thud. What was it with me and shit happening today. Carl was immediately at my side, while Tristan was taking his shirt off. "Rose? Are you alright? Well besides the point that puked on that guy, which was hilarious by the way." Carl said the last part with a smile. "I'm fine, Carl. Thanks." the boy nodded and helped me to my feet.

"Rose. Your arm." Carl looked at me, wide eyed. I looked at my arm. It was scratched from where I landed on the ground. The pain didn't hit me until i looked at it. "I'm fine. It's just a scratch." I assured Carl. "Yeah. I know. But I still have to put peroxide on it." Carl looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. "Oh shit." I groaned. Peroxide was my least favorite thing in the world. It was even below walkers.

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