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Since Patrick was in our cell, and I couldn't handle seeing him cry, we went to Beth's cell. Beth saw the cut on my arm and knew we had to put peroxide on it. Fucking peroxide.

Since Beth was better at comforting people then I was, I asked her to check on Patrick. She brought us the peroxide and walked to our cell. I hoped that Patrick would be okay.

Carl shook me out of my thoughts "You ready?" He asked. I nodded "Let's get this shit over with." I said, trying to sound tough.

Carl grabbed my arm and slowly poured the liquid onto it. "SON OF A .. SHIT THAT HURTS" I tried squirming away, but Carl had an iron grip in my arm. "Shh. It's okay. Calm down. You're going to be okay. Just relax" Carl's voice was soothing. But the pain was real. "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN MY FUCKING ARM FEELS LIKE ITS BURNING OFF!!!?!" I yelled, startling Carl. "Rose. Watch your mouth." I heard Glenn's voice as he walked into the cell. Then he saw the peroxide. "Oh. Well in that case." He trained off.

"By the way, Rose, your daddy and I have been thinking." I interrupted him "that can't be good" I said smiling, the pain in my arm had gone away. Glenn rolled his eyes "your daddy and I think you should come on more runs with us. We could use your smart ass talent, and the fact that you're a good shot." Glenn looked at Carl, who was still holding my arm. I didn't notice until dad looked at him. I started blushing. "Yeah dad. I should come on more runs. I will. Just tell me when the next one is and we can go." I looked at dad. He smiled "ok. We leave in 10. We need more formula for Judith, but bring your backpack just incase we find something." He said ruffling my hair. Carl perked up at the thought of going on a run. He hugged me before I could do anything. "HEY! Get your hands off her. I get the hugs when I'm in the room." The Asian smiled. So, naturally, I smiled to, along with Carl. I got out of Carl’s grasp and bear hugged him. "Love you dad" I said quietly.

The run was to a nearby Walmart. It was just me, Glenn, Daryl, and Carl. We took the truck Daryl found and gave to me near my birthday. He said it would be a good thing to know how to drive, even though I was 13. I must admit, I liked driving. I had the windows down as I drove. Carl and Glenn looked terrified to see me drive, but Daryl was happy. Daddy was the one who taught me how to drive after all. "ROSE!!! SLOW DOWN!!" I heard Glenn yell from the backseat. So of course I had to be the smart ass I was. Soon we were going a whopping 5 miles per hour and I couldn't help but smile as Daryl laughed and Glenn looked so unamused. "Ugh fine. Speed up. But not to 150 like you were doing earlier!!" He sounded defeated.

Once we arrived at the Walmart, we split up. Carl and I went to the baby section, which happened to be right next to bras and pajamas. A teenage boy inside the bra section, what could possibly go wrong??

We found some formula, or more accurately I found formula, and Carl found some pajamas. "Come on Rose! They would look so cute!" The boy looked into my eyes. "For the last time I said no. I'm not wearing SpongeBob pajamas around the prison. And there is definitely no way I'm changing in our cell." I said with an eye-roll as he put them back. Just when he did I saw pajamas that I would willingly wear. I grabbed them before he saw and shoved them into my backpack. "ROSE!! CARL!! YOU GUYS OKAY??" I heard Glenn yelling "WE'RE FINE DAD!!" I yelled back "WE ARE LOOKING FOR CLOTHES" Carl screamed. I heard Glenn laugh.

Soon we were in the guy’s section for clothing. I found a long sleeve shirt that I thought Patrick would like and some jeans to go with it. For Carl I found a shirt with parental warning written On it, and also some jeans to match. "Rose. Come look what I found for you." Carl sounded like a child on a sugar high. I walked over to him and saw he had a long sleeve super man shirt, a spider man jacket, ripped skinny jeans, and a red beanie. He knew me so well. "Ohmigod. No way!" I was practically exploding with happiness. He chuckled." I knew you'd like it." "I knew you'd like this" I pulled out the shirt I found for him and he smiled. He handed me my clothes and I handed him his. I put mine in my backpack, but he took his shirt off right there and put the new one on. I blushed heavily and turned around, hiding my face with my hands. " I didn't see anything." I said. I heard him laugh. "I've known you long enough so that I can change my shirt in front of you. When you turn around it feels weird, ya know?" He looked at me and smiled. "Okey but don't think I'm gonna take my shirt of and put a new one on in front of you anytime soon" we both laughed and headed to the food section to meet Daryl and Glenn.

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