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On the way to the food section we passed the electronic section. I remembered I had my iPod and immediately ran over to the earbuds, cases, and portable chargers. Carl looked at me in confusion. "Uhm Rose? Don't you need like, an iPod for those to work?" This boy was so slow. I took out my iPod and held it up. "Yes Carl. I'm completely fucking stupid and I don't know I need an iPod to use an iPod charger." I said with an eye-roll. Carl looked at me and laughed.

Then we heard moaning.

We both turned around, guns held out in front of us. Then we heard the smacking. And the grunts. And the "SHH! Carl and Rose are just over there"

I looked at Carl, wide eyed, and he returned the look. " Carl. Hurry up and find earbuds." I whispered to the boy. I already found the survivor case, and put it on. After that I found the earbud splitter. Carl came up to me with a grin on his face, two packs of earbuds in one hand and something in the other, which he hid behind his back. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "What's that?" I asked quietly. The boy showed me. It was a charger. Not just a charger, but a solar charger. "Surprise!" Carl whispered. I hugged him. "Come on. I could use some U2 right now."

I took the earbuds out of his hands and ripped them open. I plugged in the earbud splitter and plugged my earbuds in to that. Carl did the same. The first song started to play. "Every breaking wave, by the shore tells next one there'll be one more, and every gambler knows, that to lose, is what you're really there for." I started to sing, forgetting that Carl was besides me and that my dads were having sex a few aisles down. "You're voice" I was interrupted by Carl. Fuck. He heard me singing. "Ah. I Uh. Sorry. I. I um." I started blushing. I knew I sucked at singing, and I just sang in front of Carl. "No, rose don't apologize. You're voice is beautiful." Carl said. I blushed harder. "Hey. What're you kids doing." I heard Daryl's voice.

"Daddy were not doing anything. I promise." I looked up to see daddy standing in front of us. Then I heard a belt buckle and knew it was dad. I tried my hardest not to laugh at the fact that they had been so into it they didn't hear us talking. "Daryl, don't worry. I didn't touch her if that's what you mean. We were just listening to music and I was telling Rose her voice is beautiful." Carl hand touched mine as he spoke. I blushed even harder than I already was. "By the way, Rose I found an adapter for your truck." I looked at him and he pulled out a chord from his pocket. Now I understood. It was a chord you could plug into an iPod or something then plug it into your car and play the music through the car speakers. "Thanks Carl" I smiled.

On the way back I let daddy drive. I was tired and wanted to do nothing but nap for a while. I fell asleep on Carl's shoulder.


I was about 11 years old. I ran through the the woods, walkers right behind me. I saw a man up ahead. I ran to him. He looked like my dad. When I reached him I hugged him and started crying. "DADDY! Daddy I love you. I missed you. Daddy please don't leave me again. I love you." I cried into the guy's chest. I felt him push me away from him. "Daddy?" I looked up and saw a man I didn't recognize. My eyes grew wide. This was definitely not my dad. I tried to run, but I tripped over a rock. The man helped me up. "Woah. Woah. Calm down. Calm down." The man's voice was gentle. My lower lip trembled. I was so scared. "Hey. Where's your group? What's your name?" He asked. "My- My name is R-Rose. My group. My group is dead." More tears ran down my cheeks. Just then I heard a walker. I grabbed the knife that was on my belt and launched myself at it, stabbing it in the face as I landed on top of its chest. The man's eyes widened. "If you want you could come back with me. My group needs more people who ain't afraid of those fucks." I was hesitant at first. I didn't even know this guy. Then I saw the gun he had on his belt. If he was going to kill me he would've already. I agreed and got into his car. "I'm Daryl by the way" then he drove me to the prison.


I woke up to Carl's blue eyes staring at me. "Wake up Rose. We're here." The boy said quietly. "I'm already awake, dumbass" I replied. He laughed. We got out of the truck and the first thing that we, no, the first thing that Carl was greeted with was Lizzie, his girlfriend. "Babe I missed you! Where's your shirt? Why is is different?" Lizzie and Carl had been dating before I came to the prison, so I was used to having her around. But I didn't like her. I mean, she was nice, but at the same time, I got negative vibes from her.

After Carl left to go get his dad, Lizzie walked over to me. "Hey Rose." she said with a smile. Not a happy smile. Like a "You fucking piece of shit" smile. "Hey Lizzie." I responded. "Listen about Carl" she paused, taking something out of her back pocket "Stay the fuck away from him!" She backed me up against the fence and held a knife to my throat. "Stay away and everything will be fine. Do you understand?" I nodded slowly. "Great!!" She giggled as she put the knife back in her pocket. "Lizzie, I can't avoid him though. We share a cell." I said quietly. "I know. Just don't flirt with him, or try to get with him. So basically. Don't fucking talk to him." She giggled again. "Bye-bye flower!" The girl skipped away. I turned to see Patrick. His eyes full of sympathy. He knew how I felt about Carl. He walked over to me and hugged me. "She's fucking crazy Rose." He whispered into my ear. "Yeah. I can tell." I said, as a few tears fell down the side of my face.

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