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5 days later


I opened my eyes, squinting at the light. I felt someone on my chest, they were crying. It was Carl. "Rose. Rose please. Don't leave me. Please. I. I love you. Rose. Please." The boy whimpered. I looked around to see that I was in my cell. I wasn't in my cot though, I was in Carl's. I looked over to see Patrick. He to was crying, but he had his back turned.

Carl stood up and I closed my eyes again. Then he kissed my forehead. I opened my eyes when I felt a tear fall on my face.

"Rose? Rose are you awake?" The boy looked at me. "what do you think you moron." I replied with my smart ass grin he knew all too well. Patrick turned around, and Carl hugged me. I winced when he touched my shoulder. "ow" I said softly. He got up immediately. " Rose I'm sorry. I didn't mean. I forgot. I'm sorry." Carl looked at me. "What are you apologizing for? My shoulder just hurts." I looked at him with a confused face. "Carl you idiot she doesn't know" I heard Patrick's voice. "Why, what don't I know?" I asked curiously. "Well. Hmm. I. Uh. Well." Carl stuttered nervously. Then I heard a snore. I looked above Patrick's cot and saw daddy. He was asleep. "Daddy?" I said. I sounded like a child. As soon as I said that his eyes shot open. "Rose. You're okay. Good. I'm going to get Hershel." Daryl hopped down from my cot and walked out the cell. He came back a few seconds later with the old man. "Rose. It's good to see you" Hershel said with a smile. "What happened to me?" I said, my voice was weak. "Well Rose, you broke three ribs and sprained your ankle. And then Lizzie stabbed your left shoulder." I looked at Hershel. "That bitch better sleep with one eye open.." I growled. "Now there's no need for that" Hershel was surprised by my sudden mood change. "What do you mean 'there's no need for that'?! That bitch stabbed me!" It hurt to yell. "Theres no need because she's already dead." Daryl said. "Patrick shot her." My eyes widened. Patrick has never used a gun before, and he shot her. I looked at Patrick. His eyes were red and his face was dirty, except where the tears fell. "Patrick." I said softly. He came over to the side of the cot. "Thanks." I pulled him into a hug, which I regretted. "Rose. I thought I lost you." Patrick whispered in my ear. "Can you guys give us a minute?" I asked everyone else. Hershel nodded and daddy did to. Carl was hesitant, but went with it.

"Patrick. I. Thank you." I couldn't form words. "Rose. Don't thank me. I just didn't want to lose you. You're all I have left of Jane." The boy was whimpering onto my shoulder, which was kinda painful. "Gee thanks. Not even a 'I don't want to loose my best friend'. Nice. Real nice." I said with an eye roll. I heard him laugh. "You know that's not what I meant." He got up and smiled. I tried to sit up, but it hurt to much. "Don't even think about getting up rose." Patrick sounded like a father. "But Patrick..." I whined. I really needed to pee. "Butts are for crappin!!"

I heard Daryl's voice. I laughed.

"Is she awake?!" I heard Beth's voice. "She's awake but-" Carl was cut off. Beth burst into the cell, Tristan behind her. "ROSE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! DON'T YOU EVER ALMOST DIE AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME!???!" Beth yelled. The noise hurt my head." Beth, Ya wanna SHUT THE HELL UP?!" I was able to yell this time. "You didn't need to yell" Beth giggled. "I'm glad you're okay, Rose." She said, stroking my hair. "I am too" I said. I heard Carl "can you guys hurry up? I need to tell her something." Beth and Tristan obliged and walked out of the cell, fingers entwined.

"Rose. I wanted to apologize." Carl's eyes were locked on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I'm sorry I let her hurt you." Carl started crying. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me." He whimpered. I brought him into a hug, it hurt still, I should stop hugging people, but I needed a hug. He sobbed into my chest now. I brought my hand up and rubbed his back. "Carl stop. Just stop. It's not your fault. It's okay. " I was still rubbing his back. "No. Rose it's not okay. She stabbed you. She could've killed you. You could've.." He was cut off by his own cries. "I could've lost you.." Carl was still crying. "But you didn't. I'm still here, and I'm not planning on going anytime soon. You're gonna have to put up with a lot more of my crap before I die." I heard a small chuckle. "Oh joy." Carl still cried, but it wasn't as bad before. "By the way, I found this for you." Carl held up a red rose. I laughed. He put it in my hand. "You should get some rest." He said. He kissed the top of my forehead before he left. Then I fell asleep, the rose still in my hand.


A few months later


I'm back to my normal self again. My ribs healed, my ankle healed, and I have a scar from where Lizzie stabbed me. The rest of the group realized I was telling the truth, and they felt guilty that they didn't believe me. Those shits. But now, everything was good. Life was back to normal. People trusted me now. I was able to walk around the prison without getting glared at. Carl and Patrick never left my side, and Carl still doesn't know about my arms, which is good. Patrick swore to keep it a secret. We gained a few more people. There is a lady named Dishnea and her daughter, Sydney. Ironically they were Australian. Sydney and Patrick got along, and Patrick told me he had a crush on her. She slept in our cell, on the cot we usually kept our loot. Our "loot" was basically just Cheetos, Doritos, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, and other snacks. We were still teenagers after all. Tristan and Beth were happy together. Carl was more protective of me than ever. He never let me go outside the fence alone. Sydney, Beth, and I got along great. We're able to have a girls night and the guys have a guys nights. Rick says I should consider looking after the younger kids, because they all love me. Daddy agreed to teach me how to fight, even though dad objected. But I won him over, or as I call it "annoying the shit out of him until he agreed." Judith has gotten bigger. She's so cute. She said "shit" a few days ago, and me and daddy swear it wasn't us. We've gone back to the Walmart to get some clothes. I now wear black and red majority of the time and my belt is just a chain daddy found. The farm is doing really well. there were two dogs in one of the houses we raided, and they saved me from a walker. Rick said he got to name them if I kept them. The male's name is Shane and the female's name is Lori. I asked Carl who they were, but he didn't answer. He just hugged me and cried. Shane is a German Shepherd and Lori is a Doberman Pinscher. As for that the prison is doing well, and everything was good again. Oh shit. Did I just jinx it?

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