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WARNING. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS RAPE. dont hate me. i thought it would be a good idea and romantic, in a really messed up sort of way.


I was walking around the prison, checking in on everyone, when someone put their arm on my shoulder. It startled me so my reflexes kicked in. I elbowed whoever it was and when they doubled over in pain, and I realized who it was. Carl. "Carl! What the hell!? Don't you know never to sneak up on someone?!?" I looked at him. "You okay?" I asked him. He was still doubled over. he looked at me. Then stood up. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." He cringed as he stood up. "Sorry." I muttered. He laughed. "Nah it's cool." He smiled. just then Dad walked up to us. "Rose I'm going on a run for Judith. Diapers and toys and hopefully some food. I need someone to cover for me. Your daddy can't come. He's helping Rick." Glenn said. I nodded." Sure dad. I'll be ready in ten." I smiled. It's been awhile since I've gone on a run with just dad. This was gonna be fun.


Dad and I ran into a baby store. What was inside was not what we expected. I saw a man. He only had one eye and he was holding a gun at dad. "Dad who's he?" I asked. It scared me. "You got busy eh? Ha. Didn't think you had it in Ya. How's Daryl doing?" The man was talking to dad with a smirk on his face. "Dad?" I was getting scared now. "Sweetie. It's gonna be okay." Just then the man punched Glenn in the face.

"DAD!!!" I went to step forward, but the man pointed the gun at me now. "Calm down now." The man looked at me. "Who are you?" I asked. I was shaking with fear. The man responded, his voice was cold. "You can call me the governor." I heard stories about this guy. He had a daughter named Penny, she turned into a walker. The man grabbed me by my hair and I yelped. He took me outside and into a near by jeep. He threw me in the back and had a man with a metal arm bring Glenn into the back as well. Dad was out cold. The man with the metal hand got in the back with us, while the governor drove. "What do you want with us?" I started crying. The man with the metal hand looked at me. "Stop crying. If you just do what he wants you'll be fine." His voice was raspy. I cried a little more, not from sorrow, from fear. The man put his hand over my mouth. "If he hears you cry he's going to kill him" he gestured to Glenn. I stopped crying. I couldn't loose dad. "My name is Merle, by the way." I looked at him. "What happened to your hand?" I asked him. "I had to cut it off" he responded. "Well no shit Sherlock" I rolled my eyes. Merle looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "You must know Daryl." He smiled. "Yeah actually. He's my daddy." I looked at him again. "Daryl? Daryl is your dad. I thought this guy was your dad." He gestured towards Glenn. I nodded. "Yeah. They are my dads. Daryl found me in the woods one day, when I go back I heard him and Glenn were a couple. So I started calling them daddy and dad. It's been the same since." Merle laughed. I didn't know why. At first glance he looked like an asshole, but I could tell he wasn't that bad. Just then the car stopped moving. Merle took out a potato sack. "I'm sorry about this. But he doesn't want you to know where you are." He threw it over my head and took me out of the car. We walked for a while until he took the sack off my head. The room I was in was creepy. There was a metal table and two metal chairs. Merle told me not to try anything crazy and just answer the governor.

The governor came in shortly after. He looked at me. "So. What's your name?" I looked at him. I didn't respond. I was scared and I didn't trust him. "I asked you a question." His voice was cold, but I still stayed silent. He gave me a cold stare. "Fine. Well get back to that later. For now just tell me where the prison is." His eyes narrowed in on me. I looked at him, my eyes were innocent. "What are you playing at girl." He snapped, I jumped. "I'm. I'm not playing at anything." I whispered. I looked him in the eyes. He was getting aggravated. "I'll ask you again. Where is the prison." I looked down. "It's a secret" I smiled. I wanted him to think I was a stupid girl, And it worked. "You can tell me the secret." He looked at me. I waved my hand close to me ear. "Nobody else can know." I said "and I'm not saying anything until you say please." He walked over to me and out his ear by my mouth. "can you please tell me little girl." I smirked "okay." I was whispering, then paused making him tense up. Then I did it. "ANYTHING" I screamed in his ear. Laughing like a mentally insane patient. That earned a slap from the governor. I shrieked. "Enough games brat." He spat at me. I winced. "I'm not telling you anything, you fuck" I spat back. "You should watch yourself." Then he stormed out.


A few days went by like this. Merle brought me food and water everyday. On the fourth day he came into the room. "Hello girl." Was the first thing he greeted me with. I still hadn't told him my name, or where the prison was. I felt like being a bitch today, which I would soon realize was a mistake. "Hey look at that. It's a shit head in its natural environment!" I said, to no one in general. He looked at me, his eyes were full of anger. Then he grabbed my hair and spun me towards the table. He shoved me down and I yelped. "You're going to tell me where the prison is." He rubbed his hips against my ass. That's when it hit me. He was going to rape me.

I tried to get away but his grip was too strong. I thought about Michonne, about the stories she told me. Penny. The Governor was pulling down my pants and I started to panick. "Is this what you did to Penny before she died?" I said, sounding as innocent as ever. "How do you know about Penny" he growled. I smirked, then he pulled down my underwear and the smirk faded. I shook in fear. "Did you take her virginity before she died? Is that what you're going to do to me? Take another thirteen-year-old”s innocents? Typical from people like you." I spat. then he thrust in. I shrieked in pain. He grunted as he thrust in again, sending tears down my cheeks. My thoughts landed on Carl and Patrick. They might find me here, dead. I don't know where "here" was exactly, though. I tried squirming away from The Governors grasp, but that only made him clench my hips harder. "Calm down, you're going to make me cum, and so soon to." The Governor laughed then thrust in, hard. I screamed out "CARL!" I was shocked that his name escaped my mouth. I whimpered as he kept thrusting in and out.

Soon he released his seed inside of me and I whimpered, but my plan worked, he used my ass. He dropped me on the floor and left the room. "Same time tomorrow?" He laughed as he left the room. I was shivering and crying. Merle walked in the room shortly after, he brought me a blanket to wrap around myself so I wasn't totally exposed. I felt nauseous, so I was able to get enough strength to pull the bucket that The Governor left in the room for me, and threw up. I was still shuddering when I heard voices. "She must be in there." I couldn't tell who it was. just then the door fell over. I looked up from where I was and saw a dog. It was Shane. I was looking at the him when someone picked me up off of the ground. "Rose?" The voice was soft and gentle, I recognized it immediately. Carl. I was thankful Merle gave me the blanket, because if he didn't I would be against Carl without any pants on. "Carl, do you have her? " I heard another familiar voice. Patrick. "The Governor has Glenn." I said weakly. Carl stroked my hair. " I know. He’s in the truck. Lets go." Carl hugged me closer, Shane followed. Outside the room I saw Daryl, Rick, and Michonne. We were in the truck in minutes. I whimpered into Carl's chest. "Rose, what did he do to you?" He was stroking my hair as we drove away."He ass raped me." I whimpered more, the pain still lingered. All I wanted was to be in my cot with my music, and Carl by my side. "You should rest, you’ve been through hell." Carl said, he was now cradling me. He kissed the top of my head, and I blushed. Shortly after, I fell asleep.

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