Part 8

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"Kiara!" I yelled as I made breakfast "Kiar!" I yelled again
She came down the stairs still in her pijamas bearfoot into the kitchen
"Shoes" I said
"You turned on the heater? It's like summer inside here" she said
"I like it like this" I said
"Okay what's up? Cause I need to go to school only at noon to finish the vocational" she said pouring coffee
"Yeah I know I know. Two things actually.
I need you to drive me over to the hospital and what are you doing with that coffee?" I asked in horror as I watched her making coffee
"Coffee?" She said
"No no, that's not coffee that's a crime give me" I said as I moved her and made her coffee
"Okay okay. So I drive you and?" She asked
"Can you wait till I get a couple papers and you can come back home with them please? Or you can wait. I have a C-section. My car is being washed in like two hours" I said with a smile
"Sure. No worries" she smiled back and clapped as I handed her coffee
Okay, time to ask her. I was going to.
"So, honey I had another question" I said
"Okay? Lots of questions this morning" she laughed as she grabbed an apple
"Yeah. I was wondering if you had anything planned this night" I asked despite I knew the answer she didn't since it was Monday morning
"Not really. Not until all my friends and I have the vocationals done" she said looking at her phone
"Okay then. So, tonight for dinner how would you feel about meeting Maya?" I asked
She was kinda confused
"Maya?" She asked in confusion "she'd be?"
"Oh. Yeah. Maya would be the firefighter" I explained
"Oh" she said
"I mean if you don" I said being interrupted
"Mom. Course it's okay" she smiled
"Really?" I smiled
"Of course. Course it's okay. Looking forwards to that actually" she said
Holly! She said yes. She was onboard she said it was okay. Okay this needs to go well
Okay. Quite awkward I guess. I mean not awkward just awkward to see my mom with someone else.
"So" I said to break the silence "my car, you driving or am I" I said
"Uh. You're driving. Slow" she said seriously
"I always drive slow" I said
"Yeah. I know that's not true. And I'm choosing music" she said smiling
We both got into the car and of course I was the one to play music
"Okay this is awful. My turn" she said as she paired her phone
"No no! That was the best part!" I said
"Eyes on the road! Which means music is mine " said mom
"Fine, fine. What are having for dinner tonight?" I asked
"I'm cooking" said mom
"Yeahh nice!" I said laughing
okay!! Paperwork done. C-section about to. Dinner. Not even ready. I phoned Maya, she was more than thrilled for dinner
"Okay, you staying or you leaving?" I asked Kiara before heading inside.
"How long does it take?" She asked
"45 minutes, maybe less but I might check on my patients later" I answered
"I need to come pick you up again?" She asked
"No. I'll just walk home" I said sarcastically
"Okay fine I'll go over to school hand my vocational and come back get you" she laughed
"Okay. Perfect. Wait here or at the gallery. Love you!" I said as I walked back again
I was sitting in the gallery as I looked mom operate. I handed the vocational at school should receive my results in a week or so. But my head was somewhere else, I usually wouldn't care who my mom dated just now, now it was serious and I had to be there and meet her. Agh why?
It was before I noticed that mom was already closing up. Ready to go. Damn.
The ride home was quite fun. Some arguments since she said I was exceeding in speed. As usual.
Mom got showered in five minutes as I laid the table. And she began to cook
"slice this ones" said mom as she handed the carrots over
"Sure" I said and grabbed a knife as I began to chop
"Any clue on how the vocational go?" Asked mom
"I mean not like in how it went, I'll get those results in like a week." I said
"Come on, can you tell me your options" she said laughing
"What part of surprise don't you get?" I laughed
Moms phone buzzed and and she said "Maya will be here in 10"
Shit. 10 minutes. I might have looked away since I might have chopped off my a piece of my finger
"Fuck" I said as I saw the blood running into the salad
"Language!" Said my mom as she walked over to the fridge.
"No no, fuck as in I destroyed the salad" I said kinda lost
"Language! What's wrong?" She said "oh, damn" she said
"Think we might have to change that lettuce since it could be covered in blood" I laughed
"Give, give" she said and wrapped my finger in paper
"I need to go get showered" I said
"Okay okay. I'll fix the salad. Hold pressure. Get showered I'll fix your hand" she said
Nice Kiara nice. Nicely done. Screwing things up.
Ohhh okay. Mess.
New salad, food in the oven. Maya five? No. Totally no. She's here.
The doorbell.
I rushed to the door and looked at myself in the mirror. Looking good. Okay.
"Hey? This the house of Dr. DeLuca?" Asked Maya as she kissed my cheek
"This is the correct house" I laughed. "Come on in" I said as she came in behind me
"Wow. Dr. Deluca" she said looking at my house
"Hahah right. How was your day?" I asked laughing.
"Quite easy. Just some fires and a gas leak. But quite easy tho" she said looking at me "Is that smell your food?" She said as I looked in the oven "ohhh yes it is!" She cheered
"Hahaha yes. It is" I laughed
My hands are sweaty. Why are my hands sweaty? I never sweat. Okay I was nervous.
"So" I said "Kiara?" I smiled
"She's getting showered I think. And oh can you hand me that salad? We need to throw that one away" she laughed
"Hahaha what?" I laughed
"Never mind. Cooking accident" she said "she'll be here any moment we can sit down" she said leading the way to the table
What should I talk about. About what. What could I say so she didn't hate me.
Between my thoughts I heard some footsteps coming down the stair. As I looked up I saw her. Carina 2.0. The only difference were the green eyes a little bit shorter but more muscular.
I came downstairs. She was already here. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Okay what should I say. She was blonde. Was siting facing mom I could only see her hair. Nice hair tho
Okay. Let's break the silence
"Hey!" I said as I approached the table "Maya right?" I said looking at her. 
As she turned around I realised. The girl who tackled me at the beach

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