Part 16

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Kiara's POV

I drove back home after having dinner with Kim to notice Maya's car was gone. Just my mom's.

"hey" I said as I unlocked the door and walked in to find no one "hey?" I asked and once again no reply.

"what the" I asked confused after looking down at my phone realising it was quite late and weird my mom didn't tell me if she were to be out

I headed up to my room to get showered and after waiting for an hour more, no signs of her. I decided to go sleep.

Carina's POV
Fuck, I totally forgot about texting Kiara. I had been paged 911 and just rushed out. Probably since I had my mind in the whole Maya moving in together with us. Damn, damn no no. Kiara had no clue about the moving in. I hadn't even told her.

At almost 2am I got home. I saw Kiara's car outside so I knew she was home so I just headed directly to my room and crashed in.

Course just some hours later my alarm went off and as I walked downstairs I found her sitting on the kitchen counter on her phone.

"Kiar, I..." I began

"why didn't you text?" she asked "I came home to find no one till 1am with no news or whatsoever"

"bambina, I know. I'm so sorry. I was paged 911 and I totally forgot to let you know" I said

"right" she said as she picked up some folders she had "I need to leave"

"Kiara" I said before she unlocked the door

"yes?" she said turning around

"can we talk?" I asked "at lunchtime?"

she sighted and then nodded "yeah, I'll wait for you at your office" she said as she took off


Kiara's POV

Just wonderful, she was totally lying. How could she be on call if her car was at the driveway.

"Hi, Kiara Deluca" I said at the highschool recepcionist as she logged me in her computer

"have a meeting right?" she asked and I nodded "room 54, they'll be there in 20" she smiled as she handed me some files

"great, thanks" I smiled

"good luck" she nodded and I began making my way upstairs towards the room

I walked quickly as I tried to read the whole bunch of papers she had hand me over not noticing as I walked into someone

"damn" I said as I noticed all the papers on the floor "I'm so, so sorry" I said

"hey, no worries" I heard a voice as he crouch down helped me with my papers "Kiara right?" he asked and I nodded confusedly

"Matt" I smiled after I noticed who he was. He was like the hottest guy ever. Had graduated last year

"yeah" he smiled

After I noticed I asked "why are you here?" I smiled

"I needed to pick some old papers, for Uni stuff" he nodded

"oh, right" I said as I began to get as nervous as possible

"glad I did tho" he smiled "I mean, glad I run into you" he said

"are you?" I asked

"oh yes" he said "gives me a great excuse to ask you out" he smiled

I smiled as we both stood up

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