Part 11

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Carina's POV
"So?" Asked Teddy
"So leaving tomorrow night" I answered "won't be for long tho. Just two nights" I said
"You'll rock it over there." She said
I knew the trip would be okay. I was kinda nervous for leaving Kiara here. I knew she'd behave it's just I didn't like leaving her alone.
I picked up my phone and saw Maya's message
~M: what about a goodbye lunch?
~C: are you volunteering yourself to eat hospital food?
~M: too bold?
~C: can't wait ;)

Lunch came instantly. I walked into the cafeteria and there was Maya. Chatting with some paramedic which probably knew her. As she saw me she instantly turned to me
"You look amazing in scrubs" she said as she kissed my lips
"You look amazing in uniform" I said
"Oh I know I know" she laughed as we sat down
"Have everything ready?" She asked
"Yeah. Well mostly" I said "just some last minute things to arrange"
"Kiara?" Asked Maya
"She's doing fine" I smiled
"I mean. What's she doing once you're on your trip?" She asked
"Oh, yeah that's one of the things to figure out" I laughed "I mean her regular life I guess."
"Momma bear episode?" She laughed
"A bit" I admitted
"I can keep an eye on her" she said

Maya's POV
I had no problem. Keeping an eye on her. Just being there in case she needed something
"Hey I mean it" I said "she needs anything. I'm here." I smiled
"I don't want to tie you" said carina
"Oh carina please." I laughed "it's not a big deal" I said
"If you're okay with it" she said
"More than okay" I smiled.

Kiara's POV
"So, home alone?" Asked Kim
"Seems like it" I smiled "you're not throwing a party at my place" I warned
"Dummy. What I mean. It's you've got no patrol once you're home right?" She asked
"Correct" I smiled
"Seems like two girls are having a hell of a weekend" smiled Kim
"That smile? Scares me" I said
"I'm sleeping over at your place" she said
"When have you not?" I laughed
"Weekend Kiara. Hell of a weekend we're having" said Kim

Carina's POV
I somehow felt better knowing Maya could keep a eye on Kiara. I just needed to tell her now. And she'd probably wouldn't like it. At all.
As I finished work I drove back home. Kiera's car wasn't there. She was probably still at school.
As I began making my suitcase I heard the car parking in the doorway. Okay. Here we go.
"Hey" she smiled as she walked in
"Hello Bella" I smiled back as I walked into the kitchen
"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" She asked
"Early" I said
"Need me to drive you to the airport?" I asked
"If you're up to it" I smiled as I got closer and stroke her hair "so, home alone" I said
"I know the rules" she laughed
"I know you do. Just Andrea isn't going to be here to keep an eye on you. Or bring food for a movie night" I smiled
"How do you know that?" She laughed
"Oh please neither one of you is a good liar" I said "so, Maya offered to keep an eye on you"
"What do you mean?" She said with a confused face.

Okay. What? What The hell. Maya keeping an eye on me.
"Just for you to know if you need something you can give her a call she'll be around" said mom
"Okay?" I said kinda confused "you know it's just three night right?" I said
"I know. Just, I'll be more calm if I know you've got someone to call" she said
"Okay then" I smiled. "Gotta catch up some homework" I said and walked upstairs.
What the hell. Keep an eye on me. Sure. I didn't need someone after me. I had already planned my weekend. Argh.

Maya's POV
"I mean. I just want her to know that I'm around in case she needs something" I said as Andy cooked
"You're changed Bishop" she smiled
"Shut up" I laughed "I just. I'm really into Carina and Kiara is amazing I just get the feeling she really hated me"
"She didn't" said Andy
"How can you know" I laughed
"Cause you're amazing" she said "just be yourself and she'll get to know you"

Around 5am the alarms went on. Kiara got showered and changed and Carina closed her luggage.
"Ready?" Asked Kiara as she jogged downstairs.
"Yeap" smiled Carina as they both loaded the car.
The drive was short since Kiara always drove quite fast which turned Carina mad.
"Here we are" smiled Kiara as they parked and got things out.
"Behave" said Carina as she hugged Kiara
"Always" smiled Kiara back
"I mean it." Said Carina and Kiara nodded
After some minutes Carina's door was called and ready to aboard the plane.
As she walked through the departure door Kiara waved and walked through the airport back to the parking lot

"hey, how did that go?" asked Kim on the phone
"Departure done" said Kiara as she got on the car and began driving away
"ready for the best days of you life?" asked Kim excitedly
"you're just saying that cause you want to parties every night" laughed Kiara
"yeah thats right, see you tonight!" laughed Kim as she hanged the phone

As Kiara made it over to the house she parked and jogged inside to the leaving room and opened her laptop to see some school mails
"Kiara DeLuca. Biology set 1 advanced course"
course 1- A+
course 2- A
course 3- A+

As she closed up her laptop she read the last mail, the orientation test and the appointment with the univeristy counsellor. She wasn't up for all that yet, specially since she didn't want to leave her home yet. She had to tell her mom tho, she hadn't informed her she was going to study medicine yet.

But this nights, this nights she decided she was going to have a hell of a time, the best nights of her life, she was having a weekend with no grownup schedules no curfew no nothing, her own timings.

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