Chapter 21

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A happy squeal left her lips once she has arrived home, "Uh! I can't wait to tell Bella! Oh, and Alice too and Rosalie! My God, mother Esme won't believe this!" Luna beamed cheerfully as she tried to take her luggage from the trunk of their car but Jasper beat her to it, snatching the handle from her.

"Not so fast, lady. From now on, you're not allowed to carry anything heavy." Jasper smiled, kissing her temple when she frowned at him. "I'm not disabled, Jazz. I think pulling a luggage won't do anything to me?" She rolled her eyes in arrogance when she closed the door of the trunk.

"Nope, nope. Father instinct." He replied, winking at the smiling Luna who walked faster to him, wrapping her hand around his strong bicep. "Thank God, I have a strong husband then." She commented cheekily, squeezing his bicep.

The two walked towards the house, aside from his bike, Jacob's scent easily gave away the fact that he was already inside. Without minding it, she smiled brightly when Carlisle opened the glass door for them. "Welcome home, love birds!" Carlisle greeted with a smile but they noticed that his usual bright smile didn't meet his eyes.

"You okay, Carlisle?" Jasper asked with brows furrowed, feeling the uncomfortable feeling that was radiating from him. The older Cullen cleared his throat before closing the door behind the couple, "Of course."

Luna dropped her bag near the luggage, looking up, "Bells is here?" She asked with brows furrowed, "I thought she'll be at home."

Carlisle tried to stop her but when she reached the second floor, she saw Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Edward and Jacob surrounding the couch making her smile. "Bells!" She exclaimed excitedly. All she wanted to do was to break the news to her baby sister, after all she knew everything in her life first before anyone else.

"Luna?" Bella's voice sounded like it came from the couch area, "I have ne— Oh my God..... Bella!" Luna's jaw dropped once Jacob moved out of the way since he was blocking Bella.

A thin, sick-looking Bella sat at the couch with a blanket covering her pale skin. A wave of different emotions ran throughout her body making Jasper scoot closer to his wife. "Bells, what....." Luna asked as she carefully approached her poor sister who looked like she would break if Luna touched her with tears in her eyes.

"Luna.." Bella's eyes were tearing up once she saw her sister kneel infront of her, "I'm pregnant." She smiled weakly, tired from the constant movement and fast growth of the baby in her stomach.

"Is the baby human?" Luna asked Carlisle while she kept her eyes trained towards Bella's bulging stomach, "I'm not sure, Moon. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sack."

"That's bad right?" Luna asked, her tears falling down her face as she carefully touched her belly. "Luna, I'm okay." Bella breathed out painly before reaching her thin fingers to wipe away the tears on her face.

"I can't see it either and I can't see Bella's future anymore." Luna heard Alice add from behind them making her choke. "Why... why didn't you tell me?" She cried, tilting her head to the side as she looked at Bella's tired face.

"I didn't want to worry you, Moon. You already came back for our wedding, we didn't want to disturb your honeymoon again." Bella answered making Luna sob. She felt bad that she wasn't there for her sister when she needed her the most. It was heartbreaking to see her younger sister to go such thing as this.

It seemed like her baby was eating her alive and feeding on her strength.

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong and fast growing." Carlisle said making Luna stand up carefully. "Why is hers growing so fast? Mine isn't." Luna asked confusedly making the Cullens gasp.

"You're pregnant as well?" Alice asked in shock with her hands clasped in front of her chest, "Moon, we don't know what to say." Esme said softly with a small smile on her face.

"Maybe it's because you're turned?" Edward suggested from behind Bella making Luna turn to him, "Then why did I become pregnant if I am a vampire?"

"It's because you keep your humanity, Moon." Carlisle spoke up after a long pause, thinking about how these things could be possible. "I have traced your ancestors, Moon. You're not Charlie's daughter."

It was as if her knees gave out but Jasper was quick to catch his stumbling wife who looked at him in disbelief, "While you were away, I researched about the beam of light coming out from your hands.." He said making Luna shake her head while muttering a "no".

"Your father was a witch, Luna."

LUNA ☽ J. HALEWhere stories live. Discover now