Chapter 14

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Hunting was one of the favorite things Luna enjoyed whenever she found herself in deep distress or anger. The full moon was high on the clouds, illuminating the whole forest. It was ominously dark as Luna parked her car at the side of the road, turning off every light that the car emitted before taking off her shirt that was still damp, replacing it with a hoodie that is sitting on top of her backseat.

A wave of sadness washed over her as she realized who owned the hoodie that she was currently holding over her head. It smelled so much of her most favorite scent in the whole world and it did made her heart throb. As soon as she slipped it on, a hand flew to her chest as she clutched the steering wheel tightly.

As she sat at her car, hands gripping the wheel 'til it turned white. She realized everything that has been going on for the past months. It felt as if someone removed the "filtering" part from her emotions as she felt every emotions she could ever feel. Sadness, loneliness, anger, fear and contempt as she realized that Jasper beared the thought of leaving her behind.

How long does she have to wait 'til he comes back?

Will he still come back?

She shook her head vigorously at the thought, chuckling dryly to herself. No, of course he will come back. He has to come back.

The sharp pain in her throat suddenly bursted into a sob as warm tears flowed down to her cheeks uncontrollably. Luna knew well that she was at her breaking point. She couldn't take it anymore. The constant fear running through her mind as she realized that Jasper may never come back to her.

An uncontrollable loud, disgusting sob left her mouth, pushing her palms in front of her mouth as she tried to stop herself from crying. Everything that was within her felt so much pain. Is this what it feels like living without the person you're supposed to live with for the rest of your life?

"Damn it!" Luna shouted in frustration as she ran her fingers through her hair when suddenly she felt a burst of energy run out of her body, causing the windows of her car to break into smaller pieces.

She stared at her hands in horror as she looked at the scene around her. Her windshield and windows were all broken down, even her car was alerting due to the strong force that ran inside the car. This has been the third time since a beam of light came out of her hands and it scared the crap out of her.

It has been happening ever since the night James tried to kill Bella and she didn't know where it came from or how she did it. Luna looked at her arms, just to see it filled with cuts that slowly healed itself. She didn't know what was happening but she knew she needed Carlisle.

The girl shook away all of the glass that was surrounding her and started her car. She needed to go home. She had to find a way to communicate with Carlisle. How could she even posses such power when she merely came from a normal mortal family?

As she arrived in front of their small wooden door, her heart started to race as she heard several familiar hushed voices coming from the other side of the door. Did Bella invite her friends over? She quickly glanced at her watch.

8:05 PM

Her brows furrowed as she ran her fingers through her blonde curly hair before turning the knob to open the door, "Bella! Do you have friends ov-"

Her eyes instantly met with a pair of breathtaking luminous gold eyes that she knew well. A soft gasp fell from her lips, stopping herself mid-sentence as she raised her head in hopes to see her sister but instead she was met by the sight of the ever so familiar Texan man, standing right almost in front of her.

"Jasper?" Her voice was almost above whisper. If it wasn't for their enhanced hearing, nobody would've heard what she said. Her whole body was trembling as she saw the undeniably gorgeous man, standing by the couch near Alice who looked at Luna with a wide smile on her face.

"" Luna stuttered as she prosessed everything that she was seeing. He looked just as miserable as Luna. His hair was sitting at the top of his head messily, it was as if he didn't bother to comb his hair after waking up. The dark bags under his eyes were now noticeable as well due to over crying making him wonder, how could a person's body even produce so much tears?

Luna felt her eyes stinging as she stared at the lifeless eyes of the one she truly loved the most. She still couldn't believe that he was there standing at their house. His heart wretched as he looked at Luna who was cleary having a debate with herself. Jasper hated seeing Luna cry, it tore him apart. Before a tear could even touch Luna's cheek, Jasper couldn't help but to speed his way towards his fiancée, raising a finger towards her under eye to wipe away the tear.

A smooth wave of calmness washed away every fear and doubt that Luna felt for the past couple of months as Jasper continued to stare into her soft hazel eyes longingly. Luna couldn't help it, she just had to do it. She threw her arms around his neck pressing her body closer to his as she held him tightly in her arms, afraid that if she loosens her grip, he'd go and leave her again.

Contentment was all Luna felt as Jasper wrapped his strong muscular pale arms around the girl's petite waist before burying his head on her shoulder, inhaling the sweet lavender scent that he loved the most. Her scent was almost like his own personal drug, it was just too intoxicating.

Everything during that moment felt right. This is what Jasper needed after spending months of swallowing the fact that he just left Luna without a word. He's been restless for days and weeks and months and being in her arms finally brought him the rest that he craved badly.

They didn't care about the people around them nor the fact why they were there. For them, it was as if they were in their own little world. "Don't ever leave me again." Luna whispered sternly as she let the waterfalls of tears cascade down into her cheeks. Her little was hand was curled into a tight fist as she let out a sob.

"I wont, Darlin'. I'll stay right where you want me to be."

LUNA ☽ J. HALEWhere stories live. Discover now