Chapter 15

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The smile that was on my face felt so permanent as I gave Alice a tight hug. I don't think nothing could ever remove the smile that's on my face right now. I finally felt so... happy.

"I missed you!" Alice squealed as we both pulled away from the hug, "I missed you too, Alice." I smiled.

As we pulled away, I felt Jasper wrap his cold arm around me instantly. "Why are you two suddenly here?" I asked as Jasper guided me towards the couch in front of Bella and Alice.

"I had a vision of your accident prone sister." Alice said before rolling her eyes, "Only to find out she was doing it "recreationally"."

I stiffled a chuckle as I rasied an eyebrow at Bella who looked down at the mug that she was holding. "Bella, what is that God-awful dog smell?" Alice asked, her face scrunching as dog stench finally hit us. I chuckled at her reaction before looking at Bella who finally looked at us.

"Uhm, that's probably me." Bella said, her voice low. "Or it's Jacob." I said raising a brow at Bella.

"Jacob's kind of a werewolf." Bella said causing Alice to scoff. I turned to Jasper who has been quiet the whole time and he had this look on his face that I couldn't make out. "You alright?" I asked, taking his cold hand that's resting on his lap.

"Yeah, just thinking." Jasper replied, blinking a few times before pressing a kiss on my head.

"Bella! Werewolves are not good company to keep." Alice exclaimed, her pale golden eyes glowing as she looked at Bella in disbelief. My brows raised as I saw Jacob with an annoyed pained look on his face enter the house. I thought he couldn't go near any Cullen's residence or else he'd break a treaty?

"Speak for yourself." Jacob taunted, taking a step towards the two. Alice was quick to get to his feet, her stance was in defensive mode. "I had to see if you were safe." He said as Bella looked at him questioning.

"I thought you couldn't protect me here?" Bella asked at Jacob who plainly shrugged, "Guess I don't care."

"Well, we're not going to hurt her." Alice said, eyeing Jasper and I before looking at Jacob who scoffed. "No, you're just a harmless Cullen."

Both my brows raised with what he said. What a dick. "I'm talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella because of you." He said to Alice, his voice filled with hatred.

"Victoria?" Alice asked confused. The sound of the vampire's name created a thick tension in the air, even Jasper's grip on my waist tightened making me look at him. His face was cold stone, jaw clenched as he looked at Jacob. "Yeah, Victoria's been around."

"I didn't see her." Alice said, "I didn't see you getting pulled out of the water either."

"But you said you saw Luna jump off the cliff too?" Bella said making me look at them, "Yeah, to save you?"

I felt Jasper let out a small deep growl and I turned to look at him, "Is that why you came?" I asked, reaching up to touch his jaw that was clenched.

"I had to see if you were alive." Jasper said lowly. A sigh fell from my lips and smiled at him, "Water won't be enough to take me out, Major."

"I can't see past you and your pack of mutts." Alice spat out between her gritted teeth as she glared at Jacob. "Don't get me upset." Jacob said lowly making Jasper and I stand up from our seat just in case things gets ugly.

"Stop." Bella said, trying to get in between Alice and Jacob who was staring down at each other, "Or things will get very ugly."

A loud gasp fell from my lips as I heard Alice's thoughts as she got a vision making me stand up from my bed. "Darlin', what is it?" Jasper asked, speeding towards me once he felt what was troubling me and felt him run his hands down my arms, trying to calm me down.

"Alice just had a vision. Edward's going to the Volturi, he thinks Bella is dead." I muttered, running my fingers through my dirty blonde hair before speeding down our stairs, only to find Bella and Alice talking. Alice's hands gripped Bella's shoulder as Bella looked at her in horror.

"Edward's not too far from the Volturi, we don't have much time." Jasper said as we gathered in the living room, grabbing their attention. Alice nodded at him and threw him her car keys. I turned to Bella and looked at Jacob who was looking at her with guilt in his eyes.

"We'll be at the car." I said lowly, speeding over to Alice's car. "Who told him?" I asked Alice as she climbed the backseat.

"Rosalie might've slipped." Alice said making me groan. I quickly buckled my seatbelt and closed my eyes as I heard Jacob and Bella arguing. It was as if Jacob was kind of making Bella choose between him or Edward.

Bella struggled, she knew she loved both of them but she loved Edward more. Without looking back, Bella climbed the backseat and we were off to the airport to go to Italy.

Our travel time to Italy wasn't pleasant and by the time Alice finally got her hands on a yellow mustang, we wasted no time in driving towards the small village.

The last time I went to see the Volturi, it didn't end well causing Carlisle and Jasper to make a decision to turn me. Memories came back flooding my head as we drove past the beautiful fields of Italy. Jasper must've felt my discomfort when I felt him take my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. A wave of calmness surged through me like a blanket, making me lean towards his arm.

My eyes snapping towards Alice as she let out a gasp, "What is it?" Bella asked, scooting closer to the psychic as she let out a deep breath.

"They refused him." Alice said shortly making the three of us look at her, "So?" Bella asked impatiently, wanting to know if they'd catch Edward right on time.

"He's going to make a scene. Show himself to the humans."

"No! When?"

"He's gonna wait until noon when the sun's at its highest."

"Well, Jasper. We have to hurry up."

LUNA ☽ J. HALEWhere stories live. Discover now