Chapter 2

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The weather in Forks was way cooler than the weather in Phoenix, which I had no problem with. Although, today was an exemption it was too cold for my liking. A contented sigh fell from my lips once I heard the coffee machine beep. I took the small hot cup, instantly warming my freezing hands.

Ah, the life of a vampire.

This is one of the "abilities" I have that sometimes I like but most of the times, I don't like. I get cold easily and I get tired unlike Jasper and the other Cullens. I took a sip of my coffee, making my way towards Carlisle's office when suddenly I heard my name and Carlisle's name being paged.

I drank the rest of my coffee and threw the cup, not minding if the heat burnt my tongue because it will heal itself immediately. I ran towards the Emergency Room and saw Carlisle already standing in front of one of the beds.

"I was paged?" I asked him, eyebrows furrowed once I saw my Father. "Dad? Are you alright?"

"It's Bella." He said, nodding towards the curtained bed.

What happened this time?

"Bella? What are you doing here?" I asked as I opened the curtain, revealing my sister who looked really pale. I quickly pulled her in a hug.  "Someone almost ran over me with his van but Edward.." She trailed off. I took the chart from the nurse that was taking her blood pressure.

Edward did what?

"We'll take it from here, Jackie." I smiled to the nurse who wrote Bella's blood pressure result before giving it back to me.

"I still don't get how Edward got to me so fast? He was standing right across from me. It's impossible.." She thought.

Damn it. Bella saw her.

"Edward what?" I asked trying to ask her what happened even if I already heard what she was talking about. Bella opened her mouth to answer my question but Carlisle walked over us.

"She knows." I said to him through my thoughts as I handed him Bella's charts. He nodded at me thankfully before he cleared his throat.

"Well, Bella, looks like you quite took a spill. How do you feel?" Carlisle asked as he took a look at the chart.

"Good." Bella replied shortly. "Look here" He said, raising a finger at her. I took the chart from Carlisle and observed as he took a pen light from his lab coat and shined it at Bella's eye to check if her pupils constricts.

Once it constricts, Carlisle stood up straight and smiled at my sister. "You might experience some post - traumatic stress or disorientation but your vitals looks good."

"No signs of any head trauma." Carlisle said as he looked at our worried Father. "I think you'll be just fine." Carlisle assured her making me let out a breath.

"Well, that's good." I said, nodding at my Father who also nodded in agreement.

"You know it would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way." Bella said to Carlisle. I know what she's doing. She sees something supernatural and she needs answers. I looked at Carlisle cautiously who was writing on the chart.

"Edward? Your boy?" Charlie asked as the three of us looked at Carlisle. "Yeah, it was amazing. I mean, he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me." Bella pressed on, her eyes never left Carlisle.

"Sounds like you were very lucky." Carlisle said very carefully with a convincing smile and gave me a look before dismissing us. I took Bella's hand and smiled at her, "Hey, what matters is that you're safe, alright?" I said to her and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Don't think of it too much." I added. She let out a laugh, "As if I can just let that go. Even if my adrenaline was on its very peak, I wouldn't be able to stop a fast crashing van without crushing myself or injuring myself." She thought.

"I'll see you at home." I said to Charlie who nodded. "And you, stay out of trouble." I turned back to Bella who nodded at me with a small smile.

I smiled at the people on my way to Carlisle. My mood shifting once I sensed that we will be having a serious talk once I saw Rosalie and Edward with him. "How is she?" Edward asked worriedly once he sees me.

"She's fine. Carlisle sent them on their way home." I answered making him nod. "You have to be careful, Edward." Carlisle scolded Edward in a fatherly manner.

"Fifteen kids saw what happened." Rosalie said furiously to her brother. I bit my lip as they fought. "What was I supposed to do then? Let her die?" Edward asked as he stood his ground, his dark eyes looked at me for answers.

I instantly knew that Edward felt different around Bella. Due to the reason why he wanted to protect her so bad. After years and years of being alone, I realized that Bella may be the mate that he has been waiting for his whole life.

"It's not just about you. It's about all of us." Rosalie said, a little bit calmer. The sudden shift in the atmosphere made me look at Carlisle who looked back at us.

"I think we should take this to my office." He said and nodded at Bella who was standing behind a wall. "Can...I talk to you for a minute?" Bella asked as she looked at Edward. I let out a sigh and gave my sister a small smile before Carlisle escorted Rosalie and I to his office.

"I know my sister, she won't give up until she gets her answer." I said lowly to Carlisle and Rosalie making the both of them sigh.

"We know, Luna. We just have to let her know then." Carlisle said making Rosalie snap at him.

"Are you serious?" She scoffed in disbelief before walking ahead of us. Carlisle looked at me apologetically and followed after his daughter.

Well, what's new? Another Swan member caused another problem to the Cullens.

LUNA ☽ J. HALEWhere stories live. Discover now