Chapter 22

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"Sam's lost the element of surprise and he doesn't wanna take you on outnumbered." Jacob started, looking at Carlisle as the Cullen family sat at the living area. Luna was cuddled near Jasper, her head heavy after processing what was happening around her.

"So he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity." He finished but Luna's head was swarmed with different things.

How could she have a different father.... and was a witch????? In what universe did her mom even find someone who was a witch!

"He won't get through without a fight." Emmett nodded, "No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty." Carlisle said calmly, looking at Luna who was uncomfortably shifting.

Her stomach was tightening which made her squirm making Jasper look down at her face, "You okay, love?" He asked as he watched Luna bite her lip painfully.

"Yeah, my stomach is just tightening." She breathed out through the pain that she was feeling. Jasper, being so curious as to why she was groaning slowly started to feel her pain making him gasp in pain.

"You okay, Jasper?" Esme asked her son with concern laced in her voice, Jasper turned to her. His face more pale than it was before and he didn't know that it was even possible. "Luna's not feeling well, can we speak in the bedroom after this Carlisle?" Jasper asked the man as he stood up, fishing Luna's small frame from the couch.

"Yeah, i'll be there." Carlisle nodded, his brows furrowed as he looked at Luna who was now sweating because of the intense pain that she was feeling.

It took a minute for Carlisle to carefully slip into their room, with the other Cullen silently watching with worried eyes. Bella's situation was out of hand and they were scared that the same thing would happen to Luna as well.

"Is it still hurting?" Carlisle asked when he found Luna sleeping peacefully while clutching her stomach, his brows furrowing when he saw that her stomach has grew more than it did when they came home.

"She's still groaning in pain. I had to numb her nerves so that she could sleep but the pain was intense it was penetrating through me." Jasper said worriedly, bringing his wife's hand closer to his lips.

"Is she okay? Will the baby be okay?" Jasper asked, his voice wavering as he watched his father examine Luna. "I can't afford to see her in Bella's state, Carlisle." He muttered, eyes filling with tears as he turned to look at Luna's pale face.

"I can't, Carlisle. I don't think I would survive." He exhaled, bringing his head up to look at Carlisle who placed a hand on his shoulder, "We will find answers, Jasper. I won't let anything happen to these girls."

"You're awake." Jasper smiled softly, caressing her cold cheek. Luna let out a yawn, kissing his hand before smiling to him as well, "What happened?"

"You were in need of blood, Luna. Ever since the honeymoon, we haven't hunted." Jasper informed, pointing at the bag of blood that was being transfused with the use of an IV. Luna let out a sigh, smiling as she brought her hand to her stomach.

A gasp left her lips when she felt her bulging stomach, "How did this happen?" She asked in shock as she ran her hand through her tight bump.

"It happened so fast, didn't it?" Jasper said quietly, pressing his palm against the hand that was pressed against her bump, "One second, he was just so small and now I could even feel how happy he is everytime he hears your voice."

"He... he feels happy?" Luna sobbed, caressing her bump even more. "Hey, little one. Mommy loves you." She said softly to her stomach, gasping once she felt the baby move.

"Oh!" She squealed, wiping the tears that was falling down on her cheek. "And daddy is ready to give you the world, son."

She felt the same movement that her baby did earlier making her smile, "He loves his daddy's voice as well." Luna smiled through her tears, tilting her head to side as she watched Jasper place a loving kiss to her stomach.

"You're already so loved by your parents, little one." Alice's voice echoed through the room making the two look up. "Bella wants to tell you about the baby names she's been thinking of." Alice informed making the two smile.

"We'll be there." Luna smiled, turning to Jasper who scooped her in his arms while Alice pushed the metal stand where her IV bag was hanging from. "You okay there, shortie?" Emmett asked worriedly once Jasper has set her down the couch that was infront of Bella.

"I think I can still break your bone, maybe a couple of it?" Luna answered with a smile on her face, her strength slowly coming back since the bag of blood was now being sucked dry.

"I heard you have baby names in your mind, Bells." Luna smiled, leaning towards Jasper who was now sitting at the arm of the chair where Luna was currently sitting at.

"Oh, I hate them so much." Rosalie commented with a roll of her eye making Luna chuckle, "I don't think they're that bad, Rosie."

"Well, if it's a boy, E.J. Edward Jacob." Bella smiled proudly at the name making Jacob smile who was sitting beside Bella. "E.J huh?" Luna chuckled, shaking her head at the corny name.

"See! I told you it's funny." Rosalie chuckled when she saw Luna's reaction, "Why don't you tell them the girl's name?"

"I was playing around with our mom's names, Renee and Esme." Bella said, looking at Luna who was smiling at her, "And I was thinking, Renesmee."

Luna nodded, clapping her hands as she nodded, "That's it! I love the name Renesmee." She beamed.

"It's beautiful and it's unique. It certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee." Edward said, nodding at Bella who wholeheartedly smiled at the group.

Luna's brows furrowed once she saw Bella take the cup with a straw. The weird thing was that, red stained her lips, "Are you drinking blood?" Luna asked curiously as she sat up to look at her sister, sniffing at the air but she didn't even smell the blood.

"I couldn't smell the blood." Luna said confusedly as she sniffed the air even more when suddenly Bella's back suddenly cracked. Edward's eyes widened when the cup fell on the floor while Bella's body was bent backwards. The older Swan stood up abruptly, ripping the IV from her arm and turned to Edward,

"She's gone into labor!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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