Chapter 17

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All Luna could ever feel as soon as she felt the warm sunlight touching her skin was excitement. Everything glowed under her iris, even her own pale skin. It was the day of her wedding and she couldn't wait to see Jasper standing at the opposite side of the aisle.

After everything that the pair went through, Luna knew that she couldn't live without Jasper anymore. It tore her apart being so far away from him. This is what she wanted ever since she was turned, to be with Jasper 'til the end of times.

The first time she laid eyes on him, it was almost love at first sight. A bond was quickly tied between the pair and she couldn't explain the feeling after they parted ways.

It was almost midnight and just like any other day at Seattle Pacific University, a private Christian school in Seattle. It was pouring hard. A loud groan fell from her lips as her hands searched for her umbrella, later remembering that she mindlessly left it in Charlie's patrol car.

"Havin' troubles, ma'am?" A strong Southern Texan accent rang through her ears, making her look up from her bag. She was mesmerized by the sight of the man who was standing in front of her. An extraordinary looking man that looked somewhere between his late teenage years to early 20's looked like an 80's model man that popped out of a vintage newspaper ad with his long black trench coat.

He was indeed taller than Luna, he looked around 6 foot tall while Luna sat at a 5 foot 5 inches. Although, one thing that surely caught her attention was not his inhumanly pallid skin nor his honey blonde hair but it his breathtaking pale, shining luminous gold colored eyes. How could someone have such beautiful eyes like his?

It took her a moment to realize that she was staring. Oh God was I being too creepy? She thought.

A rush of nervousness and embarrassment washed over her body as she looked at the guy in front of her with wide eyes and swore that she just saw him smirk.

Which indeed he did. He felt her nerves and he knew that he was the cause of all the emotions that she was feeling inside. "Yes- uh - it's pouring!" Luna shouted over the loud rain hitting the pavement making the man tilt his head to the side in confusion.

She almost face palmed herself as she realized how stupid she must've looked, gaping at the man in front of her. "I mean... I forgot my umbrella."

"Well, if that's the case, ma'am, you can borrow mine." He suddenly said pushing the black umbrella as an offer towards her that he was holding like the true gentleman that he was.

Her cheeks flushed as the gentleman in front of her smirked, completely staring at her doll shaped hazel eyes. As she continued to stare into his eyes, the more she is being drawn closer to him. "T-thanks." She stuttered, taking the umbrella from him when suddenly the man pulled back his hand making the girl look at him in confusion.

"Actually, may I walk you towards your ride?" He asked, a smile smile forming on his face as he focused on her features. Her honey blonde hair was messily tied on a bun at the back of her hair with a few strands of hair framing her face made her beautiful features pop even more. The moonlight that slightly illuminated the place shined brightly on her face as she gave him a small smile.

"If that won't be a problem." Was all the lady said before they all conquered the heavy rain. "Oh jeez! I didn't even realize it's going to be raining this hard!" She exclaimed, glancing around the almost empty parking lot as she pressed herself closer to the man.

Luna knew that allowing a man to walk her towards her ride wasn't the brightest idea and might end up into something she would probably regret but there was something in this man that comforted her like her favorite cozy blanket. For a slight moment, she knew she trusted him. It was as if she'd known him for the rest of her life.

Being the clumsy person that she is, her two inch heels stepped on a slippery pavement, throwing her off balance. A small shriek left her throat as she felt herself slipping but boy, the man's reflexes was so quick that he just caught the lady right on time before she fell into the damp pavement.

Her eyes squinted in embarrassment as she felt the stranger's chest rumble, a deep chuckle left his mouth as his arms wrapped around her petite waist. "Do you mind, Ma'am?" He asked with a small smirk on his face, clearly amused by the girl's clumsiness. The burning sensation on the girl's cheek deepened as the man pulled her up to her feet.

As the strong wind swept past the pair, he smelled her. She smelled a mix of his favorite sweet flower and the scent of his cozy warm home. It was inviting but it didn't burn his throat in hunger. It was as if his hunger was nullified by the scent that he inhaled. One thing rang throughout his mind as he constantly gazed at the girl through the corner of his eyes.

After decades of decades of dreadfully waiting, he finally found the person he was looking for.

"If I may just ask one thing, what do they call you?" The man asked in the most gentleman way anyone has ever asked her. It truly felt as if this man was pulled out of an 80's romcom movie.

"Well, people from my school call me Grazielle but the closest people in my life call me Luna." She smiled, pressing herself closer to the stranger as he pressed his hand on her small back just so he'd be ready to catch her if ever her foot looses balance again.

"What should I call you then?" The man asked, smiling as she watched the girl pull out her car keys. "Well, since you've been quite a gentleman. I think you can call me Luna."

The smirk on his lips grew as Luna faced him, not minding if the raindrops soaked her coat. Her brows quirked as a small smile formed on her face, "How about you, what do they call you?"

"You can call me whatever you want , Ma'am but Jasper is what people call me."

"So, I can call you mine if I wanted to?"

The playful flirty smirk that was plastered on Luna's face grew once she saw that Jasper was taken back by what she said as he looked away from her playful eyes. His eyes went wide and with a clear of his throat, he looked at Luna with an amused look on his face.

"You can call me your forever if you wanted to, my Lady."

LUNA ☽ J. HALEWhere stories live. Discover now