Chapter 22: Jubilation

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On July 31st, the Bastion brothers hosted a glorious bash to celebrate their sister’s seventeenth birthday. Siena was the bell of the ball. Men were entranced by her beauty as they observed her dancing with numerous partners and laughing with delight.

“Your sister is determined to break hearts tonight,” commented John Christi.

Hayle Bastion sighed in resignation. “What can I do? She’s grown into a beautiful young woman…it’s all out of my hands now, I’m afraid.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” said Egan, his face noticeably displeased. “Just look at those lechers staring at her. Why did you allow her to don that distracting gown?” asked Egan irritably. “Why, it’s simply impossible for her dancing partners to look anywhere but her brimming bosom. She’s but a child!”

Hayle patted his younger brother on the back. “She’s not a child, she’s a young woman, and that is precisely what Siena has been trying to tell us these past few months. We can’t keep her in hiding forever, Egan. She has to grow up some time. If you recall, mother was already engaged at her age. Soon our little sister will find some poor unsuspecting bloke and marry him.”

“I won’t allow it. She’s simply too inexperienced, too trusting with men…”

“I’m afraid we don’t have much choice in the matter. Why, I suspect that she’s already set her sights on someone. It’s just a matter of figuring out whom exactly. Perhaps I should solicit the help of Inspector Cleaver,” mused Hayle jokingly.

“A grand idea,” confirmed Egan, in absolute seriousness.

“Ah, look who’s decided to join us!” said Kyale with a welcoming smile. “The elusive Mr. and Mrs. Burton.”

Emily and William joined the trio of friends and exchanged heartfelt greetings.

“We haven’t seen you in weeks,” chided John teasingly.

“Well…” began Will, but found himself stumbling for words. All Emily could do was blush.

“Ah, say no more,” said Hayle, coming to his friends’ rescue. “It’s perhaps bad form on our part to enquire as to the reason for your recent disappearance from the social scene…as you are still newlyweds…all is understood, my friends,” he added winking.

Emily’s blush deepened and she attempted to discreetly adjust some errant curls behind her ear. She felt an impish smile creep up to the corners of her mouth and she wondered silently if the three men could guess that on the way there Will had made love to her in the carriage. Emily skewed her gaze to the floor, for fear of the puckish look in her eyes betraying her thoughts.

“I’m going to go find Siena,” said Emily and giving a brief curtsy left the men behind.

She didn’t have to search for long. It was easy to locate Siena Bastion as the radiant centerpiece among the throng of male suitors. She laughed melodiously and swayed her fan in teasing movements. Her eyes were aglow with merriment and flirtation.

“Hello Siena,” said Emily, finally penetrating the circle of her admirers.

Siena practically yelped with delight, as she pushed the men out of the way to embrace her friend. “Emily, darling, how have you been? It’s been ages since I saw you last!”

“Gentlemen,” said Emily addressing the men, “I hope you will forgive me if I steal away Lady Bastion for just a moment…I promise not to keep her long.”

The men’s faces fell with disappointment, but Siena couldn’t care less. Without so much as a backward glance she proceeded to walk away with Emily.

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