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I grabbed my go-bag then stormed out to my car and left. I cant deal with him anymore! He is always drunk or high as fuck and I have taken care of him for the past four years! Just for him to call me a disappointment and ungrateful! It's not happening anymore I'm leaving.

I turned my volume on full blast and speeded down the road while singing the song. I'm going home to Collinwood I never should have left in the first place. It was about a three-hour drive but I got there. I grabbed my bag and went up to the door, knocking a couple of times and waiting for someone to answer. Soon the door opened and I'm guessing David was the little boy standing there. He got so big.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm June! Elizabeth's daughter your cousin!" I answered.

"Oh. Well then come in!" He moved out of the way and I walked in. The house looked the same beautiful but in its own rundown way. "Follow me everyone's eating breakfast but I wasn't hungry so I was playing with my mom," David said. 'Isn't his mom dead?' I asked myself scrunching my eyebrows together. I shrugged it off and followed him to the dining room since I completely forgot my way around the house. "Elizabeth! Look who's here!" David said pointing at me. Everyone turned to me and I felt myself shrink I hated attention.

"June!" Carolyn and mum said. They both quickly got up and hugged me to which I hugged back slowly. I didn't like physical touch either. I have changed so much since they saw me and I think they kind of got that after I didn't hug them back immediately. "What are you doing here?" Mum asked.

"Oh, I er wanted to visit. Is it okay if I stay here for a while?" I asked.

"Yes of course you don't even need to ask!" Carolyn said and then grabbed me by my hand and sat me down in a seat by a beautiful woman with red hair that was eyeing me suspiciously. Carolyn sat next to me.

"Julia this is June, my other daughter! June this is Dr. Julia Hoffman Davids's therapist. Although everyone here talks to her." Mum introduced us. I smiled at Julia to which she just eyed me up and down. I felt myself begin to feel uncomfortable so I moved around in my seat.

"Do you still play volleyball?" Carolyn asked and I nodded.

"Yup" I nodded.

"Me too!" She squealed.

"Good I need a practice buddy since mine left the state last week," I said.

"So June how is your father?" Mum asked and I froze at the mention of him then coughed.

"Er, he's alright. Doing a lot better! He also has a girlfriend!" I half lied. My dad did get a girlfriend but he is doing anything but alright.

"That's good!" Mum said and I nodded. "After we're done here I'll show you to your room you can redecorate it however you want. We left it the same since you left." Mum said and I nodded.

"Okay sounds good to me!"

"How long are you planning on staying?" Mum asked.

"I don't really know yet! Dad said I could stay as long as I wanted I mean either way I would because I'm 19 but still." I said using my hands to talk. Mum nodded and after everyone finished she showed me to my room.


I looked at my room in disgust "hell no this needs a ton of new furnishing and redecorating! Damn, I was such a softy!"

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I looked at my room in disgust "hell no this needs a ton of new furnishing and redecorating! Damn, I was such a softy!"

For the rest of the day, I redecorated my room. And went out and bought new furniture. My dad was very very rich keyword was! Now he's very very poor but I was smart enough to keep savings so now I am very very rich. So I don't have to worry about money.

New room:

"Perfect it's almost as dark as my soul," I mumbled as I plopped on my bed tired

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"Perfect it's almost as dark as my soul," I mumbled as I plopped on my bed tired.

"You're a liar" I heard somebody say. I sat up in my bed and looked at the doorway to see Julia.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You're a liar" she repeated.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I played dumb.

"Your hiding something! I'll figure it out just wait" she said. It was then that I noticed she was drunk. 'Fucking great' I thought and walked over to her and took her whiskey out of her hand.

"Come on show me to your room" I mumbled. She tried to reach for her glass but I pulled it back and raised an eyebrow. "How about this if you show me to your room I will let you finish this?" I asked. Julia groaned but started walking I smirked in victory and followed her. Her room wasn't that far from mine just down the hall. When she got to her door she turned around and held out her hand for her drink. "Nope go inside and change into pajamas and then get into bed and then you can have it I promise," I said.

"But you ju-"

"Go!" I demanded she groaned and went into her room. I waited outside for her privacy.

"Come in!" She yelled as she was getting into her bed. She laid down and not even two seconds later I heard her soft snores. I emptied the glass in her sink. Then washed it and put it with the other glasses. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote.

Brought you back to your room! And no don't worry I didn't change you! You changed yourself.


I left the paper on her bedside table along with a glass of water and painkillers. Then left her room and went back to mine. I groaned and laid back on my bed. 'If I knew I had to take care of another alcoholic then I wouldn't have come here!' I thought. I took a shower and got in my pajamas and went to bed.

Hey babes! Hope you like it! I decided to go ahead and start posting this story!

Word count: 1053

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