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It's been a month I haven't gone to Julia's office once. Right now everyone is sitting at the table eating lunch when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and immediately declined the call.

"Who is it?" Mum asked.

"Nobody important," I said and started eating again. But my phone starting ringing again I groaned and looked at the caller ID. "I'll be back." I got up and left the room and answered the call.

"We're the fuck have you been!?" My dad asked.

"Dad I'm not coming back! I moved out. I'm done with your shit!" I whispered yelled.

"Come back to me. Please. Sarah left me and I'm all alone! I want to get sober I do! I-I just need help" He started crying making me feel bad for leaving.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Listen I'll come for the week. Okay. If you stay sober! Then I will stay longer! And I also want you to go to meetings for becoming sober and clean." I explained running a hand through my hair.

"O-okay I'll do anything for you to just come home" he started crying.

"Bye, dad. I'll head there tomorrow."

With that, I hung up the phone and walked back into the dining room. "So I have to go back with dad for a while cause his girlfriend left him and I don't want him to do anything stupid" I half explained.

"Okay. How long are you staying with him for?" Mum asked.

"I don't know. But I do promise to try and keep in touch with you guys. I'm leaving tomorrow." I said sitting back in my chair.

"Okay just keep in touch with us," Carolyn said and I nodded.

"I will," I promised.

Later that night I packed my go bag and now I'm pacing around the room thinking if this is a good idea. He has done this before told me he wanted to change and get clean and sober and then once I came back home he would be drunk as hell and I would be trapped with him again. But I wasn't going to let that happen this time. If he drinks just a tiny bit of anything that has alcohol in it or tries anything that could get him high then I'm out. He's not going to trap me anymore.

"You know you really do suck at lying," Somebody said from the doorway. I jumped and saw, Julia.

"I wasn't lying" I mumbled and continued pacing back and forth.

"Why are you going back to your father?" She asked.

"I already told you his girlfriend left him and I dont want him to do anything stupid!" I said.

"That's not the whole reason though! Your hiding something. You can tell me" Julia kept on bugging.

"Julia! I'm fine I'm not hiding anything! Why would I want to do that!? I have no reason to!" I lied.

"Because you want to hide it all! You dont want people to worry about you!" She raised her hands using them to talk making me flinch. I sighed and turned away from her.

"Julia I'm not hiding anything. Think what you want to think. Now if you would please leave me alone I would like some privacy!" I said. I heard the door shut and I let out a breath and turned around to make sure she actually left. Luckily she did and I sat on my bed. I didn't cry I didn't think I didn't move I just sat there.

The next morning I got up and got ready then grabbed my go-bag and my keys and then went into the dining room to say my goodbyes.


"I'm leaving," I said to everyone

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"I'm leaving," I said to everyone. Carolyn got up and gave me a huge hug. I froze at first but then hugged back. "Be good for mum" I whispered.

"I'll think about it" she whispered. I walked over to mum already knowing she was on the verge of crying. She wrapped me in a tight hug to which I also slowly hugged back.

"I'll miss you" she whisperd.

"Guys I'm not leaving forever I'll be back!" I chuckled.

"That's what you said last time," Mum said.

"But technically I did come back or I wouldn't be here right now." Mum and I chuckled and she let me go. I hugged everyone else goodbye and then left.

The drive was three hours but I got there. I pulled into the driveway and took a deep breath looking at my dad's old rundown small house. Once I picked up the courage I got out of my car and went to the door. I got my key out and unlocked it and walked in. Dad was passed out in his chair. There were beer cans everywhere 'he's going to be drunk once I wake him up'. I went into the kitchen and looked in the fridge. Nothing. Then the cabinets also nothing. I sighed. I was always the person who would cook and go grocery shopping and do everything to try and make this house look decent. I walked back over to dad and shook him awake not too hard so he wouldn't be grumpy just enough so he would be in a good mood.

"Wake up. I'm here" I whisperd. His eyes shot open and as soon as he saw me his eyes darkened in anger. My face paled in fear. He took a deep breath and his eyes softened. "I was going to cook something for breakfast but you're out of food" I mumbled.

"Haven't had time to go grocery shopping" he chuckled darkly while thinking. I looked away in disgust. "Don't give me that look" he demanded making me flinch.

"Sorry" I mumbled. "How about you go get ready for the day and I'll pick up" I suggested. He nodded and got up then left for his room. I let out a deep breath in relief and started picking up the house which was a disaster. About ten minutes later dad came out of his room, stumbling but ready for the day, and started helping me pick up.

When we were done cleaning the house we left for the grocery store. We got all the food and everything and I was now driving back to his house.

Once I got there I woke my dad up he went inside and sat on his chair while I brought the groceries in and put them up.

"I er I think i'm going to head home!" I said grabbing my go-bag.

"No your not!" He yelled standing up. He took a deep breath as tears started welling up in his eyes "i'm sorry I'm so sorry please forgive me. I didn't mean to shout please stay with me I want to get better." he cried.

"Then go to rehab. I'll sign you in tomorrow! And pay for all of it! It's the only way I will stay here! I'll come visit you once a week. And then once you get out and in your right mind then I might stay with you!" I begged.

"Okay." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes only if you promise to come to visit me at least once a week!" He said and I nodded.

"Okay, I promise" I smiled.

Word count: 1227

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