11-social interaction

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on today's episode of Ray is a mess:
I ate two whole boxes of fruit loops without milk last night, accidentally liked a post from 2019 on my ex's Instagram, bought a box of blue hair dye and ended up pouring it all down my kitchen sink which is now stained, and woke up to my laptop opened to an Amazon page showing results for "weoija boards"

Bone Man
how much did you drink?

I was sober.

Bone Man
dear god
at least I'm not the only one I guess

you also ate two boxes of fruit loops without milk, liked your ex's Instagram post from 2019, poured a box of blue hair dye down your kitchen sink, and went on a late night search for "weoija boards"??
small world 😌

Bone Man
I had a full conversation with my door today
my friends are either STILL busy or asleep
my roommate is in Texas
so I talked
to the door

okay at least my story was funny
that's just pathetic

Bone Man
I dunno your story sounds pretty pathetic too

but at least it's funny
gonna be honest I don't remember some of it
but I bet I had fun

Bone Man
hey I had fun talking to the door
don't do my door like that </3

did you.
did you really.

Bone Man
okay no
but it's fine I'm fine guys
just. desperate for social interaction.
I'm fine guys I'm fine

god this is pathetic
you really are just backing me into a corner here

Bone Man

since you won't shut up about being OH SO LONELY and OH SO BORED
do you wanna call?

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