ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3 - ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴅɪᴅ ɪ ᴅᴏ?

15 1 0

      I walk home listening to my favorite ^song^ while holding Zero's hand as he jumps over cracks. I hear the thunder crashing in the distance and it slowly approaches us.

As I we walk down the road entering my neighborhood I can see mom standing outside on the porch. Waiting, which is weird because she's usually out doing lord knows what.

As we approach our house she rushes down the stairs and pushes me back making me stumble a bit.

"I know you touched my stuff, bitch! Now where is it?" she says gripping my jacket. Zero cowards behind me in fear.

"Are you fucking delusional? What business do I have touched your shit!" I say getting in her face.

She then proceeded to grab me and Zero by the back of the neck dragging us both in the house. Then shoves our faces towards the table beside the couch.

"This, this shit." she spits at us.

It's an empty bag with half a pill inside of it.

"I don't fucking know! We haven't been here all day how are we supposed to figure out where your pills ran off to?" I say trying to get her to loosen her grip.

"Oh so you were out selling it?" She says now letting go of Zero and rapping her hand around the front of my neck.

"No we've been at school at day, you dumb bitch." I say grasping at her hands that are now tightening around my neck. She began to lift me off the floor and the room started spinning.

"IT WAS ME NOW STOP!" Zero says pushing her with tears down his face.

She lets me go and turns to him, I could see the red in her eyes as she looked at my brother while I tried catching my breath.

"So if was you? You took my pills? What did you do with them?" she says as she walks slowly towards him and he backs slowly away with every step.

He then stumbles on the stairs and falls, I can see my mom raising her hand to him.

In this moment I don't know what came over me to be quite honest but I lunged at her and pushed her into the wall with all the strength I have in my body.

She crashes into the wall and falls back her head landing on the corner of the table and the lamp falls onto her head.

"MOM!" me and Zero say in unison.

We rush over to her limp body, that was before the blood starts pooling down the back of her head down her back. I'm shaking, what have I done? I never meant to hurt her I just didn't want her to hurt Zero again.

"GO GET A TOWEL FROM THE BATHROOM, QUICKLY!" I yell to Zero, us now both crying.

He raced up the stairs and turned the corner, I direct my attention back to her trying to check her pulse. Her heartbeat is shallow and her breathing is short.

What do I do? If I call 911 I know she'll press charges against me once she regains consciousness. Or, or they'll see the state of our house and deem her not fit for parenting and me and Zero will be up in the system.

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