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My sight is foggy but I can see a bright white light.

I never imagined myself going to Heaven but maybe I said the right things in the end after all.

I feel a pain in my arm that's disrupting me from really being able to sulk in this marvelous moment.

I look over to my right and to see what it is holding me up but to my surprise I see an IV going into my arm.

I look to my left and see a head of brown hair laying on my torso.

"H-hello?" I say in a raspy voice.

The ball of hair turns to me and I see the one person I never expected to see again, Adonis.

When he looked at me I could see a smile slowly creep over his face as a single tear falls from his eye.

"Hi baby." He says in a soft voice.

I look over at the couch in the corner and see Koa and Zero snuggled up together sleeping. I can't believe I tried leaving them, after pinky promising Zero and convincing Koa to finally teach me to drive.

"Damn, I couldn't even succeed in kill myself?" I say trying to make light of the situation by laughing.

Don looks at me and leans over giving me a soft kiss on my lips.

"No, you couldn't leave me yet. Let's at least have a few kids first." He says leaning his forehead on mine laughing.

I look around the room at my family. They look like they've been through hell and back. All this just to see me live another day?

But I guess the sun will rise and I'll just try again cause I know now I'm not going to walk this earth alone.

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