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     We found an abandoned house to squat in for the night, squat in? Man I really do sound like a criminal now. Me and Don talk until the bright sun turns into a beaming moon.

My stomach grumbles out loud. I look down and then at Don with a undefiled smile. He puts his jacket back on rolling his eyes. We begin to walk out the house and down the side walk towards a restaurant.

It's not like a restaurant I know of so it must be this towns own creation. We walk and and get escorted to a booth.

"So how do you feel about your mom, now that you know she's alive that is." Don says playing with a salt packet.

"Well now that I know she's alive I feel relieved. One that I'm getting away starting a new life with you and two I can finally breath without having tons of stress and responsibilities hanging over my head."

"What about Zero." He says lifting his hoodie showing me his eyes.

As selfish as it may seem, I forgot all about Zero once we left the house, but he never did anything. I drug him into this mess, he doesn't need me to make matters worse.

"Honestly, I'm glad I left him behind, he's only six he doesn't deserve to be apart of the shit storm I made." I say reassuring him and myself with a smirk.

We chat amongst ourselves about other topics to lighten the mood until a waiter comes over with menus.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Oh, I'll just have-" I begin to say before Don forcibly kicks my leg.

I look at Don confused look, he nudges my head to direct my gaze to what's outside the blinds.

"Actually, We need a moment I don't believe we're ready just yet. We'll just take some water for now" I say letting out a nervous laughter.

I watch the waiter walk to attend another table before asking Don what the deal was:

"What the hell Don! Do you want to look suspicious?" I say quietly.

"Taleaz the police just pulled up." He says with a fearful look.

I could feel the blood leave my body and my heart drops to my ass and back up again.

"What the fuck do we do?" I say pulling my hood down covering everything except my mouth.

I watch through the blinds as he enters the restaurant, he talks to the closest waiter to the door which just so happens to be the one that served our table. He points in our direction and I watch the officer make their way over.

Don has his head down, I assume playing the role that he's sleeping but I guess we both accept our fate at that point because we didn't run, we just sat there. I watch him walk to our table until he reaches the edge.

"Taleaz Monroe aannd Adonis Madison correct?" He says with his hands on his belt.

Before I can even answer him Adonis starts crying, damn without even missing a beat. Even if we did try and play it off the jig is definitely up now. I let out a sigh and answer.

"You got us." I say putting out my wrist expecting them to be shackled in cold handcuffs.

He lets out a chuckle.

"You two are funny, come on it's getting late." He says grabbing his belt and chuckling. He begins walking to the door. I guess expecting us to follow behind.

I look at Don tears streamed down his face, I grab his hand and we walk out to the car. The officer opens the back door for us, we get in and ride in silence.

"Damn it, We were so close." I say under my breath.

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