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     Me and Don walk hand and hand to the front door and ring the doorbell. I look over at him, the amount of shit we go through but yet he still stood by my side the entire time, no amount of words can express my love for him.

As I stare at him were greeted by Dylan wearing a hot pink sweater with fluffy black slides, typical.

"Ah just the girl I wanted to see! Come inside and warm up, you guys look cold." She says in an exasperating voice pulling me by the arm.

But I can't help but notice she's drinking her smoothie, the sight makes me giggle a bit. She has no idea the amount of shit she's going to have to go through, literally.

She walks us up to her room and motions for me to have a seat on the bed.

"Oh, Donnie boy you can go sit downstairs on the couch and wait for us to finish up our girl chat. Ok?Also be a doll and put this in the dishwasher please and thank you." She says handing him her empty cup and ruffling his hair.

"Like hell I will, I'm not your mai-"

She closes the door, locks it grabbing a remote and opening the curtains.

"He's too precious. Reminds me a lot of my Bryant." She says giggling to herself.

Wow, she's already moved on to another guy on the football team? Classic.

"He's actually-" I try saying.

"Anyways I'm so, so glad that you could make it!" She sits next to me and squeezes my cheek.

"And I just adore your.. ugly sweater." She says looking me up and down and scooting away a bit.

"Thanks? Look I just want my apo-"

"Oh your apology, you'll get it darling. Trust me, but I want eeeveryone to see it so it can be a public truce, you know? So everyone can see we squashed the beef, then maybe they can stop bullying you. You poor helpless thing." She says pouting.

"Now. Until then you'll be helping me set up." She says getting up and heading towards the door.

"Why can't you just give me a sincere apology in private and then do a fake one in public, wouldn't that make sense." I say standing up.

She turns around and looks at me with a blank stare.

"No, no it wouldn't make sense. Now come on babes." She flips her hair and walks out.

I really don't know how much longer I can keep up this nice girl act.

We quickly walk downstairs and outside onto the patio.

"We're having the party out here. So if you two don't mind getting the decorations out of the supply closet that would be great." Dylan says smiling and folding her hands.

I curl my hand in a fist but feel Adonis wrap his hand around it.

"Not. Worth it." He whispers taking my hand and pulling me towards the door.

He walks inside and I follow close behind.

"Try not to get worked up on little things Tal, you know that's just Dylan being Dylan. You can't get shut down this early." He says grabbing my shoulders.

"Yea, yea, yea. I know." I say walking sluggishly to the door.

                                  -3 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧-
"Aaaand there." I say plastering the last and final Santa Clause pastie on the glass door.

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