ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4 - ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟ?

8 1 0

I run for what feels like an eternity, I run until I feel a sharp pain stabbing my lungs. I put down Zero and we just walk in silence until we wind up at Adonis' street; I guess I walked here unknowingly.

I hesitated, thinking either he'll understand or maybe he'll think I'm a cold blooded killer, but seeing as he is my best friend; maybe he'll get it? Why I, you know, did that. I stare down the block which I guess was a few seconds, contemplating. That was until my train of thought was interrupted.

"Taleaz? I thought you were coming over tom-" I hear calling out behind me.

I turn around to see Don walking from his bus stop. His eyes widen at the sight of the dried blood all over me and my clothes. He drops his book bag and runs over to me.

"Taleaz, Zero? Are you guys alright?" he says frantically checking our faces for marks.

I try mustering words up to even remotely describe what had happened but I can feel my knees giving way. I'm exhausted, I've been carrying heavy emotional baggage all day.

Before plummeting to the ground Don catches me and just holds me tight in his grasp. He pets the back of my head and lets me know everything's alright. I needed to hear that, more than he'll ever know.

Suddenly the world slowly started going dark. Shit! Damn you asthma!

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