ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5 - ᴅᴀᴍɴ ɪᴛ

8 1 0

We run run and run some more, I don't know how long I can keep going taking into account I had an asthma attack only running a couple blocks, but I persevered.

We finally reach the end of the woods that connect to a shallow creek. We climb up and over but as we climb over a car's wheels flash by coming within inches of my face, I fall back onto my stomach.

"DON! What the hell, where are we!" I say quietly shrieking.

"We're the next town over." He says struggling to get up the hill.

"What?! Why? We'll just be caught almost immediately."

"No, We won't I just need to get to an ATM so I can get some money for us to get a bus or, or a train."

I kick his arm causing him to face plant into the loose soil.

"No Don, I'm not bringing you into this. This is my shit I'll handle it myself."

"Well you could've said that when we were back at the house, but we're here now. So let's go!" He says pushing himself up and dragging me along with him.

We look both ways and cross the street heading towards a small convenience store. Before walking in Adonis stops and looks inside and then back at me. He pulls my hood up over my face and we proceed to walk in.

As we walk hand and hand down the aisles I feel a trembling in my pocket.

"What the hell?" I say reaching back.

It's my phone? Zero must've slipped it back in my pocket at some point. I turn it on and by my surprise it wasn't completely drained and out of energy. I had almost two-hundred notifications from Koa alone.

But then I see one from my mom!?

"She's alive?" I say stopping in my tracks. Don stopping not too far after.

"What?" He says coming to my side to read the notification for himself.

"She's alive! But apparently it must've just been a deep enough gash to cause a shit ton of blood causing her to pass out." I say rubbing my head and looking at Don.

"If that's the case... WHY DID YOU RUN!" Adonis says raising his voice at me.

"I DON'T KNOW! That was just my first instinct alright." I say challenging back.

"Oh so it wasn't, I don't know maybe, TO SEE IF SHE WAS ACTUALLY DEAD." He says pushing my shoulders back, catching me off guard causing me to stumble.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you, but Taleaz. You can't flee the scene like that you just made yourself look hella guilty." He says grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him.

"I know I don't know what I was thinking, but one thing I know is she would've definitely pressed charges so did I really have a choice except to run?"

Adonis scratches his head and sighs.

"I mean it would suck to have to visit you behind bars and have to bring you cake with a nail file inside so I guess, your right. But like I said we're in this together now." He brings me in and leans my head onto his shoulder as we begin to walk to the back towards the ATM.

He withdrew $50.

I guess that summer job money was gonna come in handy some day, like he told me it was but of course I didn't listen to him. He always kept a steady head on his shoulders and was quick in action. One of the many things I loved about him.

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