Drama | Damiano

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Damiano and I have been a couple for more than 6 months now. We didn't go exactly public, of course only the band knew about it. Måneskin and I were best friends since they formed this band. I knew Vic before Damiano and Thomas, we've been best friends since kindergarten so that's quite a long time. I was a lot younger, Vic was now 21 and I'm still in school. Although it's my last year luckily. This week was actually the last school week before we graduate and I'll finally be able to take a break.

I was sitting in my class room, my first lesson was maths. Honestly I despised maths and physics a lot. I just hated these subjects. Out of boredom I was listening to music and playing a bit on my phone. The song I'm listening to is called 'Heroes' by Måns Zelmerlöw. I kinda loved it, it made me feel happy. Luckily today wasn't going to be a long day at all, there were two lessons of maths and after that there will be an announcement I guess. Our school told us that every class will be in our big gym. I wonder what their going to announce? Maybe just something about bullying again. Usually I'd say it's important to talk about that but if you talk about a topic like this at our school, you could also talk with a wall. It's the plain truth, sadly.

It was already the second and last school lesson and I was annoyed to say the least. These popular girls behind me threw things like paper balls and stuff like that, they always bullied me since I'm not exactly Italian. My phone vibrated in my pocket, so of course I had to take a look at it. Turns out Damiano wrote me and it said «patients honey, soon everything will be fine». Huh? Why would he text something this random? Although I was confused, there still crept a smile on my face. I replied with «I love you» and put my phone away again so I won't get into any trouble today.

Damiano's POV
Right now we were setting up our stage and discussing what songs we'll be performing for y/n's school. "Why didn't you want to tell y/n? She'll be shocked to see us!" a smile crept on my face as I heard Ethan say her name, y/n, I loved this girl a lot to say the least. "Dummy he wanted it to be a surprise!" Thomas said grinning at me and Vic nodded her head eagerly "Yes exactly" she said and chuckled a bit. "I know she's having a hard time at this school for not being Italian, she told me about it the other day and I kinda want to make it public with her" I told my best friends and also band mates. Victoria's face looked troubled "are you sure she'll want that?" She carefully asked and put a hand on my shoulders. "Well.. I don't know if she wants that, but I honestly can't hide it anymore. You see, I love her a lot" I replied truthfully and lost in my thoughts. "We should start getting ready, it's almost time for our little concert" Thomas stated and he was right. I'm so excited to see y/n's face when she realizes what's actually going on.

Our maths lesson was luckily over and everyone got ready to go to our schools sport hall. I'm kinda curious about why we're going to be there. My friend Lola was next to me right now, we were both standing in front of the entrance. Lola was my closest friend other than Damiano and the others of course. Sadly she's in another class so I can only meet her in breaks or when things like that happened.

We sat down on some chair in the second row, cause sadly our classes were the last ones to get here. I didn't really mind it though because Lola was with me. "Are you excited or nervous?" She asked me quietly and I replied "kinda both to be honest. What about you Lo?" And she only shrugged with her shoulders "I don't know" she paused before continuing "it looks like there will be some performing act don't you think?" She whispered and now I'm the one shrugging the shoulders "maybe I don't know" I told her clueless about what's happening here and we heard some people talking. Our director was handed a microphone and he began talking loudly "there will be a band performing today in celebration of winning a very big contest. Please welcome Måneskin!" He yelled into his mic and I couldn't believe what he just said. Did I hear that right? Damiano and my friends are here? Immediately when they were on stage my smile got bright and I looked up at my friends and of course boyfriend performing one of their songs. It's called 'torna a casa' and it's my favorite song of theirs. I don't know why, I just loved it and enjoyed the concert.

After they finished three songs of theirs, there was a q & a. Stella and Cindy were my bullies and also the most popular girls at our school. Nobody knows why though, sure they have an amazing body but you can't really talk with them normally, they're very dumb in my opinion. They both were raising their hand to ask a question. Cindy was the first one with the chance of speaking. "Ethan baby do you want to go on a date with me?" She asked sweetly, smiling up at the poor uncomfortable drummer. Dear lord, somebody please safe him. "Sorry he's not interested in you" Victoria plainly replied which made both, Lola and me laugh silently. We loved how Vic denounced her and embarrassed her in front of the whole school, Ethan just smiled awkwardly and nodded his head. Then it was Stella's turn to ask a question and I already hated it, cause I despised her high pitched voice. With a voice like that she sounds like a small girl, but she did it on purpose to look 'cute'. "So Damiano, are you good in bed? I bet you are, I think we both would hit it off!" she said and I couldn't believe it. This bitch annoys me so much, I really need to keep calm and quiet. But the way she acts and tries to flirt with my boyfriend is just disgusting. Of course no one knew and there were moments like this were I hated our 'private' relationship but still. Nobody in their right mind would ask a question like this, it's simply disrespectful.

When I looked at Damiano I saw his annoyed expression and i grinned mentally. He would never get with her, even if he was in fact single. But what he did next was shocking and surprising at the same time. Damiano got up from his chair with a smirk on his lips, getting down from the stage and walking up to me. He smashed his warm lips roughly against mine, I could here everyone being shocked and gasping at our kiss. Right now I didn't mind it at all, I was jealous and needed to show that he's mine. When we stopped kissing and pulled apart, some people were clapping and some were just quietly smiling. Stella and Cindy looked at us, like we were disgusting people and they needed to puke. Serves them right I guess.

After that we all went home and had a great time. Lola was also with us, she knew about me being friends with them but I kept my relationship to Dam a secret. It was a relief that now we could both show our affection for one another in public. There were of course people that were mad but you'll never be liked by everyone so just fuck them.

A/N: hey guys I hope you're feeling well and staying safe! Which Måneskin song is your favorite one?

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