Attempt 2 | Ethan

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A/N: Sorry for the late post, I wrote it this afternoon and needed to change some parts of it. Hope everyone is doing well today!
If you ever struggle with things like this, don't be afraid to reach out. I know what it's like and I'll definitely be there for you xx

"Ethan don't cry, I'm okay" I whispered softly back at him and he nodded his head slowly before looking down on me. "What if you weren't okay and needed to go to hospital? Or even worse if the paramedics came in and tell us that you were fucking dead?" He swallowed, tears already forming in his eyes again. "Fuck Y/N, I couldn't handle that. I couldn't handle losing my only reason to be happy." He told me, voice laced with concern and even sounding desperate for me to never leave. "We should get you fixed up" Damiano said, butting into our conversation but he still earned a nod from us. Yeah we definitely should. "Ethan you should do that, I'll clean the bathroom" my friend said to him. Oh god, why couldn't Damiano clean my wounds, this is hella embarrassing. I blushed a bit and got up with both of their help. "Come on now, let's get you cleaned up darlin'" Ethan whispered softly and i forced myself to smile a bit at him, hopefully it would reassure him. After that we all sat on my couch for a while before Damiano started talking "I should go home, my girlfriend is going to be worried. Are you guys going to be okay? Should I drop you off at your place Ethan?" He asked turning his head to the dark haired boy who just shook his head "no" he stated quietly "I can't leave her, not now, not ever" but I didn't exactly hear what he said. I was too tired to listen, I was simply exhausted. Damiano said goodbye and I just waved at him, too tired to pull him into a hug. Now we're going to be alone, that's just great. I always get awkward in front of my crush..

Time skip
It was the day after I almost lost too much of my blood. Damiano went back home to his girlfriend, but Ethan, well he stayed the whole night. Even though I told him that I'd be fine, he didn't trust me enough to leave me alone. Don't get me wrong I understand why he doesn't but it was kinda awkward at first. I never really talked about my past, well in particular 'that' part of my past. He was so kind, trying to understand my problems and feelings. It made me feel loved and like someone was really listening to me for once. Of course Victoria and Damiano were already helping me out and listening but explaining it to someone who really tries to understand it, is really something else. "Good morning" he greeted me, his voice still husky from sleeping. "Morning" i replied with a smile on my lips. "How're you feeling? Do you need anything?" He asks hesitation clearly written over his angelic face. God he wasn't a human being, no he was in fact a god. I seemingly stared for too long because I got pulled out of my thoughts when Ethan chuckled. "Enjoying the view?" He smirks at me and I blushed a tiny bit before replying "maybe I do"

"We really need to talk about something else though." He told me after Ethan finished his food. Is something wrong? Oh no, what if it was too much for him and now he's going to end the friendship? Oh hell no! He seemed to notice my panicked face, since he took my hand gently in his large one. Damn if his hands are this big, how big is his dick - gosh Y/N stop thinking like that about his hands and dick - just stop imagining this is serious. "Don't worry it's nothing bad, at least I hope so" he said to me but it felt like he was in fact talking to himself now. "Okay?" I paused, signaling him to continue. "When I saw you unconscious like that yesterday..I- well  there... just something clicked inside of my head, you know what I mean? I don't know- it was just really hard to see you in a situation like that." He told me calmly even though I could see that he was about to cry again so I squeezed his hand, which made him smile. "I totally understand you, I'm sorry for that. You shouldn't have seen me like that" I told him, looking down on my empty plate. "I'm actually glad I did..- I mean yeah it's not good but it did open my eyes. I realized that you were someone so dear and special to me. I've treated you so wrongly in the past, i apologize for not seeing it earlier. My god I apologize for everything, also for Vanessa. Yesterday I broke it off right after we left, you didn't notice it maybe, but I saw the way she treated you. I guess what I'm trying to say is, that I love you." He whispered the last part. Did I hear him say love you? Like actually as someone he could see himself in a relationship with or as in you're my best friend? Ethan noticed my frown, then he said "as a girl, I want you to be my girl." He stated with a grin on his face. He looked so beautiful right now, I couldn't believe that he was real. Yeah I wasn't even able to speak, so I showed him how I felt with a passionate kiss. He was surprised at first, not expecting this bold move since I was usually very shy but in the end he returned and even deepened our kiss. It was filled with so much feelings, but the biggest one was love. Now I could finally call him mine. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I replied when we pulled apart to catch our breath, smirking at him.

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