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Coach Orion's POV

I know she was lying. Her father spoke to me before practice and told me that I couldn't put her on the Varsity team. She belongs there, but I can't disobey his intentions for his daughter. It doesn't mean I don't want her on my team. I would love to have her on my team. With her, we are for sure to win and, we will win. I don't want to crush her dreams.

Clove POV

The practice went by so fast and, everyone was tired. I mean, I wasn't tired, so I know what's wrong with them.

Julie is an amazing goalie. She'll be the starting goalie for sure. I mean goldie's great and all but, he didn't practice all over break and, I'm sure Julie did so. Adam is amazing. He can shoot, skate, all of it. He might even be better than me. We all walked into the locker room. Charlie came in yelling

"I will teach you to play like what? Starts with "W"

Then averman said. "Wussies."

"That's right. Wussies on offense and defense!."

Then Russ started saying." Defense, defense, defense."

Everyone was sweaty, but me.

Coach came in and said. "Eden hall expects you to maintain a "C" average to compete. I believe that a bad rule."

"Then Goldie said. "Mh-hmm. Go, Coach."

"I don't want any "C" players on my team. I want B's or better or your gonna be riding the pine-pony. Now you got 15 minutes after each practice to clear this locker room. You got homework to do. Oh, one more thing. Stay clear of the varsity until we play'em in the J.V-Varsity Showdown. You got that?"

"Mh-hmm," Goldie said. He walked past me and said good luck. I can't tell you how big the smile on my face was. Everyone got up to look where their positions are.

"I don't believe this. I play left side not right," Fulton said.

"Third line! Man, that's some major diss," Russ said.

"I and Clove aren't even posted," Adam said as he looked back at me. My smile flattened and walked up to him and Connie.

"Yeah, you are. Adam Banks, third line, center," Her smile went down. "And Clove Madden, the first line, right, and first line, center."

"I'm on both teams?!" I said surprised.

"I guess congrats," Connie said.

Adam came over and hugged me. "Congrats darling. At least I know I'm not alone then," he whispered in my ear. I smiled at him. He put me down and we got our stuff together.

"Hey, Clove you also got captain. Congrats." Dwyane asked.

"Everyone told me congratulations."

THen I and Adam grabbed our stuff and left the locker room. I got a text from Rick saying.


Rick- Hey, heard you got on both teams. Can't wait to see you at practice tomorrow with Adam. Come to my room tonight I've got to tell you something.

Me- Ok and thanks I also got captain on the J.V team.

Rick- Awesome. See you then.


Adam walked me back to my room and then said a quick goodbye then left. I put my stuff down and walked to rick's room. I knocked on the door and he answered.

"Hey, Little Madden," He said as he let me in.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that," I said while hitting him.

"Ok, so we're giving you your jacket tomorrow."


"Now, I need to tell you something."

"Alright, What's up?"

"Are you friends with any of the ducks."

"No, no, not really. Why?"

"Well, because they have been causing some trouble and we want to put them in their place. By place I mean out of Eden Hall," He said with a smirk.

"Not Adam. Right?"

"No, not Adam. He's part of the varsity now."

"Alright. I'm in," I smirk.

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