Chapter Five

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I barley registered what she said. A hunter? No. He couldn't be. Hunters were dangerous to people like me. "How do you know that?" Kenna just rolls her eyes. "He's my cousin and I'm a witch. Well, I mean obviously I was adopted or else he would have powers. Of course I know!"

I just put my head in my hands. This couldn't be happening! Usually I can be in a town for a few months before a hunter turns up. Not two days!

That wasn't even the worst part. Every time I see him it just......I can't describe it! The way I feel when I see him is like nervous, but excited. Father told me to stay away from him and now I know why.

"He can't be! No! Ali! Do you even realize what's going on?!" Kenna tells me. "I have a crush on a hunter." She shakes her head. "No. It's much bigger then that."

"How so?" Kenna sighs. "Since Caleb saw you yesterday he changed. His aura is usually full of hate. Then it changed to happiness." I roll my eyes. "So?"

"So! When you came you were scared. Then you saw him and you changed. You....I can't say what happened. You just have to figure it out by your self. See you next period."

Except I didn't go to next period. In fact I didn't go to school for the next week. Every day I was away from Caleb it hurt and I couldn't explain it. When I finally went back to school I felt a lot better. Everything made more sense. I knew it was dangerous because Caleb was a hunter. Right now I wanted to stay away from him but I kept feeling this pull to him.

This is the pull that drove me back to school. This need to see him. I had to know him. Something about being with him made me feel invincible. Knowing he was dangerous only made me want him more.

The day passed in a blur. All I could think about was Caleb. What was wrong with me? I am never like this. It's only been a week since I came to town and I was already getting sloppy.

I broke from my daydreams and realized the teacher had called on me. So I answered her in Italian then had to translate it into English.

At lunch I decided to sit in the corner of the lunch room I sat in on my first day at school. I just wanted to blend in for once. I also wanted to not have a crush on a hunter. "You know, a pretty girl sitting by herself draws a lot of attention." I looked up from my book and saw one of the jocks of the school. "Thanks for the info. I'll let you know if I see one."

As I go back to reading The Fault in our Stars (for the 213th time) he pulls the book from my hands. "Don't tell me you read one of those stupid girl books." He said as he examined the book. "Yes I do. Now give me that back!" I try jumping for the book but he holds it out of my reach. "Maybe. If you go out with me." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at him. "No." He smirks. "Then I guess you aren't getting your book back."

I debated using my powers on him but decided against it. "How about you give me the book and I'll consider going on a date with you." His smirk fades. "Fine." Once I have my book back in my hands I look him dead in the eye.

"Sorry dude. Not going on a date with you." As I turn to walk away he grabs my arm. "No one says no to me." I tried to break free. "I did now let me go!"

"Not until you go out with me." Suddenly someone pushed him away from me. "She sad let her go." The jock (who's name I realized was Drake) stood up. "What are you going to do Adams?"

Caleb just got a cold look in his eyes. This was a side of a hunter I don't think I've ever seen from the person they are trying to protect point of view. This was so different because usually I saw this look because the hunter was trying to kill me. "You don't want to know Smith." Drake saw the look in Sam's eyes and he backed down. "Fine." He leaves just like that. By the time Caleb turned to me I already had my arms crossed. "What?"

"I didn't need your help! I had it under control." I grabbed my bag and walked out of the cafeteria. "Wait!" I turned and saw Caleb running to catch up.

"I thought you didn't okay." Those eyes! God damn it! They always pulled me in even when I was trying to avoid them. "So, you may have turned down that jerk and you just got here but," Caleb took a deep breath. "Want to go out sometime?"

Wow! He asked me out! Isn't this what I want? Don't I want to be close to him?


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