Chapter Seventeen

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As Sam walked into my house I felt a sense of nervousness I never felt before. Maybe it was having Caleb here. Him here in this room. Or maybe it was the thrill of going behind my father's back. I never did that so he never worried. He liked to keep me in this glass box so I was safe. "I should probably check the power. Storms like this just shut the power off."

Quietly I go to the basement to see if the power was working. Of course it wasn't. Nicolae would make sure of that. Some days I swear that man sold his soul to the devil for his massive control of the elements. Actually he probably did. Before I met him no one had heard of him. Suddenly I get engaged to him and everything changed.

Suddenly Nicolae was also a tale told to children to get them to eat their vegetables. Why did my father have to drag me to Romania then? It seams like every bad thing that has ever happened since then started when I went there. Every time I tried to settle Nicolae found me somehow. Every time I close my eyes all I see are his cold, dark, black eyes.

"Yo! Did you break a heal or something?" Leave it to Caleb to bring me to reality. "I'm fine Caleb. The power is out though." As I walked back upstairs I had to avoid his eyes. "Hey, you okay?" I don't know. Was I? After all I'm living in fear that Nicolae will hurt Caleb and I don't care. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just reliving the past."

"You know I've heard that doing that isn't a good thing?"


"Nah, that's just what my therapist says." He laughed which told me it was okay to laugh at that as well as I came back up. "Well they sound like they give good advice." The smile that came across his face made butterflies in my stomach. "Yeah my brother is the best."

"I thought you said your therapist said that?" I could feel his eyes on me as I got out some candles. "Well, that's part of the roll he took on for me. Jake helped me out when I first found out this monster stuff was real." From how he spoke I could tell he admired his brother.

Why couldn't I focus? I could hear Caleb wondering around as I went to get candles so we had some form of light. I've had many boys in the houses I've lived in. Having Caleb here though was different. I never got nervous around the other boys I was with. "Hey, can't you stop this storm or something?"

"I can't. My powers just aren't strong enough yet." After the crash my magic was what kept me alive. I never even told my father this. "I thought you were some big bad witch Ali." He really wanted to annoy me. I've never had someone do that. It felt nice though to know he cared enough to do that. "Carful Caleb. I don't need magic to kill you if you get on my bad side." As I placed the candles around the room I felt Caleb follow me.

He was so close I could feel the warmth of his breath. When I turned to him I saw his eyes staring right into mine. We were so close that I wanted to kiss him. The candles around the room lit up and my cheeks warmed up because of the nerves. "I have a feeling you caused this storm just to get me alone Alison." A laugh just escaped my lips. "Well, if it was me I wouldn't use a storm to get you alone."

"How would you do it then?" Those lips turned into a smirk that made me crumble. "Well, I would seduce you. That's how I make my kills." He moved closer and I felt his hand skim across mine. "Well, you are a master at it. It's hard to seduce a hunter and you seduced me."

"You might be a hunter but you are also a teenage boy." With a shy smile I looked down. His hand was grasping mine. His palm was soft but there were calluses on his fingers. No doubt they were from the hours of practicing with a gun. "Well anyone would fall for your beauty."

"I'm not beautiful by any means. Any other girl is prettier then me." His finger grabbed my chin and pulled it up. "Listen to me. You are beautiful. Inside and out. How can you not see it. See it through my eyes. I know you can so do it." I took his word and did the spell.

What I saw through my eyes was not me. The girl standing in front of him on that first day was a goddess. Her blonde hair was all in place as she tried to stare him down. The next image I saw was when I was in the hospital. He was pulled in by my eyes. The most beautiful eyes to him. I broke from the spell with tears in my eyes. "You think all that about me?" He smiled and it warmed my insides. "Every last thought." I smiled at him with a tad of shyness. "Thank you." I felt the blush crawl across my face. It was so weird though. My heart was racing and my cheeks were warm.

Caleb's lips were against mine. I don't know who was the one who kissed the other. I didn't care. He was soft and warm. Our kisses climbed with intensity. The intensity scared me though. 1000 years of life and I let a boy be my undoing. Maybe I was just like every other girl. Maybe I did just want to kiss a boy for a while. Maybe, deep down, I just wanted to be protected by a strong man.

My instinct took over as my hands wrapped around his neck and my figures went through his hair. He picked me up off the floor without any effort. It was almost like I weighed nothing. As he carried me to the couch we kept kissing. The intensity I felt radiating off him was different then any other I've ever felt. He was warm and soft despite the chill of the house without the power.

The ease in which he handled me as we kissed was impressive. Most of the time it was just nervousness the boys had when they were with me. As he laid me down on the couch I smiled and started to unbutton his shirt. There was a scar that ran all along his chest and was at most a year old. My fingers traced it as I pulled him closer and slid his shirt off him.

With the same ease that took my breath away before he lifted me up and set me on his lap. Maybe we were moving too far too fast. Maybe we should slow down but it was obvious that nether of us wanted too. As we kissed he pulled down my plaid top so the only shirt I had on was my black tank.

He pulled me right against his body as he started kissing my neck and as he moved to my shoulders he slid the straps of my tank down so he could kiss one of my sweet spots. He found the other sweet spot right behind my ear. Turns out we have the same sweet spot because he let out a moan as I kissed just under his ear.

He laid me back down on the couch and this was exactly what I wanted. I wanted him and I knew I could have him. His body moved against mine as he removed my shirt. The warmth I felt from our skin touching was enough to make my body relax. My relaxed body just made this even better. The candles burned bright around us.

As we kissed we took our time with everything else. He pulled me up on his lap again and it made me fell so light like it was just us and nothing was around us. My mind was telling me to stop but my heart wanted to keep going. Just once I wanted to listen to my heart as our kisses grew in passion.


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